27 || Clarity

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"I can't enter L'Manburg without being arrested but you'll be fine. L'Manburg is a place that loves new people and you're new and have no attachments to anything yet. Just meet me back here at sunset and we'll be just fine," Phil is about to leave but I stop him knowing full well I'm not going to be able to find my way back. 

"How will I remember where to go?" I ask. Phil pauses and thinks for a moment before I see an idea light up in his eyes. 

"The crows will look after you, they're cheeky but they won't let anything bad happen. They'll bring you back here when the day is over," he explains and I nod. I take a glance around and almost immediately I see a crow perched on a nearby fencepost. 

"See you later mate," Phil says and heads down to the community centre. I take a moment to look around hoping that I'll be able to remember the new landscape. I take note of the Blackstone bricks that surround the nether portal and how it's on the east side of the community house. 

I take a deep breath and look back at the crow. It seems to understand what I want and it flies down and sits on a window box by the community house. I start to follow feeling a little bit nervous. I don't stray from what I think is called the Prime Path and keep my eyes on the crow as it leads me deeper into the SMP. 

I keep my head down and try to seem inconspicuous. It's kind of hard to do anything when you're a seven-foot-tall, black and white alien with a green and red eye, horns, long pointed ears that's wearing a suit. Strange looks were something I'd grown used to, as was isolation. Thankfully, not many people were in town. 

It's a bit of a walk but I follow Phil's crow to a long descending staircase that looked out on a town of sorts. Immediately by the vague memories I have of descriptions of L'Manburg, I knew this was where I wanted to go. 

I walk into the country unable to look away from the unique architecture. In particular, the platforms on which the town was built. Underneath was a living utopia of fish and coral and seaweed living in crystal clear water. Not far away I could smell the salty ocean and hear the trades of various merchants and traders. 

I keep my head down once I'm in the city square, but for once nobody's looking at me. They don't even care. I look up a little higher and see why. Amongst the human townspeople were quite a few hybrids. There were mainly mammal hybrids but now and again I'd see a bird hybrid or a flash of scales from a reptile hybrid. I felt myself stand a little taller as I realised I wasn't really a weirdo here. 

I rocked from my daze as I bump into somebody. 
"Sorry sorry sorry I didn't see you," I apologise profusely and step back to see who I'd bumped into. 

"Sorry, it's no problem I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," the guy says. I get a good look at him and am surprised. He was short and also wore a suit. He was a hybrid too and had what looked to be the beginnings of ram horns and fully grown ears. It was his face that startled me, most of it was heavily scarred. 

The thickly rippled flesh cut across his left cheek and over his right eye. I didn't know if he could see out of it clearly. I also noted that the back of his left hand was thoroughly scared too. I was almost certain that there were even more scars across his body. He didn't seem that old, maybe Y/N's age or younger. How was he so scared if he hadn't even lived that long?

"I don't think I've seen you before, are you new?" the guy asks. 
"Uh I'm- uhm yes I'm just visiting L'Manburg, I'm not from the SMP either," I manage to find my words. 
"Oh well welcome!" He beams brightly like he has no cares in the world. He continued to surprise me, he was so happy and yet he has seen so much trauma. 

"You seem nice, how would you like a tour? I could take you around the SMP as well!" he offers a handshake and I decide to take it. A tour sounded like a nice way to get familiar with this place. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang