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Hey guys, Another chapter is up today as promised.

This week I published 3 chapters LOL.

I hope you like it.
Dont forget to Vote and comment.
Your Ideas are highly appreciated.

1771 Words

"Hermione?" Harry called, shaking her shoulder roughly, and dropping to his knees beside the unconscious woman, "Hermione, what's going on?" Hermione didn't respond and Harry grabbed her magically expanded, just as her beaded bag was. Harry pulled out a generic potion bottle and un-stoppered it.

Dark blood was starting to seep into an alarmingly large pool around Hermione. "Dad, what's wrong with Aunt Hermione?" James asked. Molly rushed off to get bandages to stop the bleeding.

Harry rolled Hermione onto her side, back away from the gathering of people; he ripped her blouse halfway up the middle to expose what looked to be a horrid splinch wound. It was almost an inch deep, exposing muscle and some bone. All the way from the middle of her back to her tailbone.

"Dad is she going to be okay?" James asked again.

"Someone take them somewhere else!" Harry snapped, trying to cover the essence of dittany potion over her wound. The blood had stopped pooling and her spine was no longer visible. Harry poured the remaining potion over the worst of the wound he then gingerly placed a dressing across her back and wrapped tensor bandages round her abdomen to keep it in place.

"Is she... Is she going to be alright?" Ron asked.

Harry looked up and chuckled at his friend's facial expression. "She'll be fine, it looks like a lot of blood, but she only fainted because she lost it so fast. This is probably only... two pints." Harry stood and picked up a limp Hermione, careful not to jostle her back. "I'm going to put her in Percy's room. I'll be right back."

Harry, Ginny and Hermione fled to the living room with the kids at the older Harry's orders.

"This is insane!" Hermione said and sat down in a sunken armchair. "I'm middle aged!"

"I know... did you see all the old scars we have?" Harry asked.

"There is a war coming up, I'm just happy we all made it out alive." Ginny said, adjusting Lily in her arms.

"What's wrong with Aunt Hermione?" James demanded.

"Nothing, anymore, she just gave us a scare that's all." Middle aged Harry walked into the living room and hoisted Al up on his hip. "Oomph, you're getting too heavy for this."

"Is Aunty Minnie coming back?" Al asked brightly.

"After her nap, I promise."

"Otay." Harry walked back into the kitchen where Molly had already cleaned up the blood and was serving tea and biscuits.

"Tea, anyone?"

"That'd be brilliant, Molly." Harry said, putting down Al to help her with the plate of biscuits.

"I see you've finally started calling me Molly." Molly smiled.

"Yes, too many Mrs. Weasleys now, aren't there?"

"There. Now let's all calm down and drink our tea." Said Molly, trying to cover the awkwardness of the situation.

Harry sat at the table with his kids and the younger versions of himself, his wife, brother and sister-in-law, and mother and father-in-law.

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