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《 1986 》

So I decided to publish this chapter before sunday.
Ohhh I'm so excitedd, I really hope you like it.
Please VOTE!


Parvati Patail walked in the common room. Harry held his breath. Hermione had told him that Dumbledore had taken care of everything, but Harry didn't see how a single spell could make all of this just go away, disappear.

"Hi Ginny." She said politely, her and Ginny had gotten in an argument recently and were still in an awkward stage. Ginny smiled tightly and held up a hand in an almost-wave.

Parvati left the common room and Harry, Ron and Ginny were left alone once again with the Potter kids.

"Did you see that?" Ron laughed, "She looked right at them and didn't even blink twice!"

"Dumbledore is a genius!" Harry said, relieved.

Harry stood up, "Well I have to get to class Snape will kill me if I'm late." It was Wednesday and Harry had Defence Against the Dark Arts first block.

"They can't stay with me! I have potions and I don't want them messing around down there." Ginny said.

"Snape won't let them in his class, he hates me."

"Well what are we supposed to do with them?" Ginny snapped.

"You guys usually get a babysitter when you both have to work." James said, looking down at his hands.

"Well, since those are in short supply and you have Ron and Hermione to help you I vote you take them first and I'll have them for the next three periods, I've got Flitwick, a spare then McGonagall, then you can take them for transfiguration fifth."

Ginny smiled. Harry sighed.

Harry entered the classroom with Ron and Hermione, three small kids in tow.

"Five points each from Gryffindor for tardiness." Snape snapped. Harry didn't look up as he balanced his books in one arm and herded his distracted and excited kids into a desk at the back.

Halfway through taking notes on how to classify different curses, Lily reached up, "Daddy, I'm bored, can I colour too?" she asked loudly through the silent room. No one but Ron, Hermione and Professor Snape looked up.

"Here," Harry hissed, handing Lily, Al and James scrap parchment and a quill each and a half full bottle of ink to share. "Draw mom a picture."

Not twenty seconds after Harry turned his attention back to his notes he heard the dreaded and infamous "Uh-Oh." Feared by parents and babysitters alike.

Harry's head snapped to the seat beside him, they had spilled the ink bottle and the vicious liquid was spreading all over the desk and dripping onto the floor. The kids' clothing was splattered.

"Merlin!" Harry snatched up the bottle, preventing it from spilling more. He felt something cold drip onto his pants, Harry jumped up, avoiding the black mess as much as he could. He snatched up his notes. The entire top half was blacked out and illegible.

"Potter!" Snape barked, "This is the second time you've disrupted my class today! Ten points from Gryffindor."

Hermione silently waved her wand over Harry and the kids, making the excess ink disappear back into the bottle.

"Ms. Ganger I do believe this is Defence class, not charms, get back to work!"

The remainder of the day passed agonisingly slow. Snape's defence class was by far the worse, but Ginny had potions when seventh years had defence and she refused to let them anywhere near the dungeons. Secretly, Harry agreed, but it was torture for him to sit through Snape's heated glare while the rest of the school, save Hermione and the youngest Weasleys, floated obliviously by in an almost dream-like state.

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