Traveling in time

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《 3688》

I have been so busy with finalsss....
It's crazy.
But I decided to publish another chapter!!

Enjoyyy guysssss
Don't forget to Vote



Harry ran up the stairs to awaken his wife, "Ginny, Ginny!" He shook her shoulder, "Come on, we have to go to the Ministry!"

Ginny rolled over groggily, "Is it the kids?"

"I…!" Harry tried to make the words come out, but he couldn't think straight! "Vance said it was a something. Good news I think! You have ten minutes."

"I can be ready in five." She threw the duvet off, grabbed yesterday's clothes off the floor and rushed into the bathroom.

Four minutes later Ginny was in the kitchen, pulling her wild hair into a ponytail simultaneously wiping the left over toothpaste off her lip.

Harry wasn't in a much better state he'd thrown on jeans and a tee shirt, too impatient to bother with his usual wizards' robes.

"Let's pray for good news." Ginny sighed. Harry nodded and took her arm.

With a pop, they arrived right outside the Department of Mysteries entrance. One of the perks of being head of the auror department. The whole department was bustling with people, and flying memos. There were no offices in this department, just sealed, white doors labelled with team names: Orange Stork, FY56L1, District 14, and Project Rubber Ducky, to name a few. The general 'intelligence unit' had no specific room. It was too big, with too many people working on it, so it was scattered through the large hallway.

Organized chaos… Utter madness.

"You can't be in here!" a woman shrieked, attempting to cover the magical whiteboard she was working on.

"She's with me." Harry held up his badge, which granted him 'All-Access" excluding the Department of Mysteries of course. He hoped the woman was ignorant to that fact though, and kept walking.

Harry led Ginny through a door marked 'Ki8gG" and snapped it tightly behind him.

"Mr. Mrs. Potter!" Vance said. For the first time since Harry saw him, he didn't look as if someone had just died. Harry peered into a makeshift conference room. Everyone was staring intently at a young, blonde, witch, whom was using a muggle white board. She had three different colours of marker in hand and was circling green writing in red. She ran excitedly over to the other side of the room and jabbed the board multiple times with her black marker.

The rest of the room looked confused and started talking at once, making the young girl, she couldn't have been more than twenty, frustrated.

She made a wide arc with her wand, causing the careful writing to leap off the board and dance around the room.

The others in the room gave a sudden, and loud, standing ovation.

"What's going on in there?" Harry asked hopeful.

Vance chuckled, "As I was explaining to your wife, we've recruited this young lady from Russia to help us with your problem. She's done in hours what would have taken us months, years, even. Lucya! Can you come here, puzhalsta?


"Mr. and Mrs. Potter."

"I show… tick, tick, tick?"

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