And neither could he, her self-confidence offered, he was jealous too, remember?

This made her smile, but at the same time, it also reminded her of the episode that had taken place, worsening her already miserable condition. She wanted to go back home and find her release, however unsatisfactory because she could sense that Rhys was in no mood to fulfil her desires. 

"You don't even try to hide your emotions, Antonia." 

Antonia got startled at the whisper in her ear and looked around to see Clementine leaning over her. She gulped as her eyes fell on the voluptuous cleavage of the physicist, but she did not let her eyes linger too much. 

"Oh, hi-"

"Don't bother, I just came to say," she held her palms over her mouth as she whispered into the younger woman's ear, "I have your panties." Taking advantage of the cover of her hands, gave a soft bite to Antonia's earlobe. "If you want them back, be in the washroom ten minutes from now." And she sashayed away, mingling in the crowd until she was gone. 

It happened so fast, that the blue-eyed woman hardly had any time to react. Her ears were burning, and she clumsily touched the part where she had bit. 

"That was Clementine, wasn't it?" Emma narrowed her eyes, "Rhys and her are high-school best friends, kind of hard to imagine." 

Oh, Emma, Antonia thought amusingly, still embarrassed, if you only had the slightest idea. 

However, there was a big problem at hand. 

Her panties had been hijacked. 

"What did she say? Do you two know each other?" The philosophy professor enquired, suspicious at the other's redness and scared expression. 

"Huh? No-she, um-" her mind was blank, "uh I-" nope, Emma had probably already caught onto her. 


"Um, I-" 

Aileen Clyde always had timely interventions. 

There was a clinking heard, which got louder, as the old lady hit the spoon repeatedly with the glass. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention." 

The murmur stopped and the guests turned their attention to the smiling old lady, who had her sons by her side. 

"I hope all of you have been enjoying the evening so far," she said gently, "however, I have a very special announcement to make." 

Emma scrutinised Antonia's face one last time before turning to look at Aileen. She knew something odd was going on between Clementine and Antonia since the former was known to be very shamelessly explicit. She did not want to scare the young woman, but if she had somehow gotten entangled with the physicist, then there were reasons to be worried. 

"As you all know, I have two sons, Raul," she patted on the back of the older man, "and Rhys," she patted the younger man, "They have arranged for this beautiful evening and I think they've done a good job." 

There was an array of soft claps, which were silenced by Mrs Clyde, "But that is not the announcement. I won't take much of your time, so," she put her hands on both of her sons' shoulders, 

"Both of my sons are getting engaged." 

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