Chapter One

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Marinette snored contently, covers snarled all around her and Tikki struggling to find a place to curl up near her. Her phone was laid on the ledge just above the high bed, where a dim light was being cast across the dark room. 

Suddenly, Marinette jerked awake and scuttled around for her phone. Tikki leaped backward just in time so that the tidal wave of bedding didn't crush her.

"What are you doing? It's so early. You need to get back to bed so you're not a zombie at school tomorrow," Tikki grumbled, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Marinette ignored her, and tapped her phone constantly until the home screen popped up. 

"Oh no!" She exclaimed, then lowering her voice. It was four in the morning, but she had something important to do. Very, very important. She couldn't believe she had forgotten!

"What?" Tikki asked, swooping to Marinette's shoulder to see what she was looking at. 

"I'm dead! Completely DEAD!" Marinette sighed dramatically. "Today is the day of our essay reading, and I haven't written a single sentence yet!!"

"Well, get to it! We only have a few hours until school starts!" Tikki exclaimed, hovering down to Marinette's desk to get everything cleared off.

I took many hours to complete it, and another to edit and proofread it. By the time they were finally finished, they were both exhausted, and it was time to go to school.

"Can't I sleep for a little bit?" Marinette whined, rubbing her eyes.

"Let's try to be on time for once, okay?" Tikki said. Marinette groaned as she began pulling on her clothes.

Soon, she skidded to stop in front of her classroom and casually walked in, finally on time for once. She took her seat, right next to Alya. But not before she tripped and fell on none other than...

"Are you okay, Marinette?" Adrien said with a glint of concern in his green eyes. His beautiful, dreamy green eyes...

Oh, right, answering. "Y-yeah, Adrien, thanks for loving - I MEAN catching me! That was so gorgeous of you - I MEAN nice of you. Um. Thanks," She stuttered awkwardly.

"Uh...yeah, no problem," He said with a slightly confused expression. Marinette silently groaned to herself, catching Alya snickering madly behind her textbook out of the corner of her eye.

"Quit it, he's gonna notice," Marinette hissed through her teeth.

"Sorry. You're such a mess, girl," said Alya, still laughing slightly. Marinette finally lightened up a little, and giggled. 

Chloe glared at her with her icy blue eyes, piercing into her soul like daggers, as if to say: nobody falls into MY Adrikins!!! Marinette returned the harsh gaze, and Chloe scoffed as she turned around to boss Sabrina into doing something for her. Marinette smiled proudly to herself, and faced Miss Bustier.


" next time you hear a bell ring, take a moment to think of all the people who have risked so much for us - so we could have a great life!" Marinette finished, very proud of herself for not stammering through the whole thing. The class, including Miss Bustier, clapped, and she felt her cheeks flush when she saw Adrien give her an impressed smile. Alya whistled as Marinette was walking back to her seat.

"Come on, it wasn't that good," she giggled as she slid into her spot. 

"Yes it was! That was awesome, Marinette!" Alya said, giving Marinette's hand an encouraging squeeze.

Marinette looked left and right and hunched over, signaling to Alya that she should too.

"Wanna know a little secret?" she whispered. Alya nodded with interest, adjusting her glasses. "I threw that whole essay together this morning. I had completely forgotten about it until then."

"WHAT?!" Alya gasped. Then she laughed. "How?! I couldn't come up with something that good in ten years!!"

"Thanks," Marinette said gratefully. 

Soon, their class was let out for a break, and they all stepped into the school campus. Some huddled into groups, and she spotted Adrien and his friend Nino in the corner...

"Ah...Adrien..." Marinette swooned, her jaw dropping in a goofy smile.

Alya closed it and sighed, shaking her head with a small laugh.

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