a few more no's

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Avengers Tower September 4th 2014

Freya felt out of place, and abnormally overwhelmed amongst the figure heads and friends of the Avengers. Tony insisted she went to the party but she was alone and not the best at small talk. She sat at the bar with a drink in her hand and her back turned from the rest of the commotion.

"You know hiding at the bar isn't always the smartest idea." Tony stepped up to her. "Drinks start coming faster and faster."

"I promise to be responsible." She glanced at him. He had stayed up the night before with Bruce. They were doing something with the scepter. She had noticed but, kept quiet. "And how would you know? I don't see the famous Tony Stark hiding at parties."

He pressed a hand to his chest, "Oh I patented hiding at the bar at parties." He smirked, "Sometimes it's easier to be at the bar, the bar doesn't judge or expect anything from you."

She nodded and took a sip of her drink, "I do like unbiased furniture." She let out a small laugh.

"But you know this celebration is meant for all of us, that means you." He pointed at her. She smiled and looked at the glass in her hand.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head. "My head's else where."

"Let me guess, the jungle?" Tony sat down next to her. She nodded. "They mean a lot to you?"

"More than most." She said. "But I keep leaving them and then I keep telling myself, this time is the last. But I know it's a lie every time."

"That's the caveat." He swallowed, "The fine print of being a hero. There's no way out. What would people say if we said no?"

"I just have a feeling, it couldn't be that easy. We got the scepter and now, what? The fight is done?" She shook her head. "Hydra is still out there. Who know's who waiting to attack from up there," She pointed up to the ceiling. "Those twins are still out there..."

"Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't sleep at night." He said and took a swig of his drink. He let out a breathe, "Maybe -- and hear me out -- one day we won't have to say no to the people we love. One day the fight won't be ours."

"Is that what you dream of?" She asked.

"It's my hope but, until then I'll say a couple more 'no's.'" He said. The two of them looked at each other. Tony and Freya were the same and they knew how dangerous it was to be that way. They weren't soldiers like Captain America or warriors like Thor, they weren't meant to be in the fight but, now they were and they couldn't stop. "Come on," He stood up and nudged Freya, "I won't let you sit here all night."


Present Day, Australia

The eternals sat around the Gilgamesh and Thena's table. After hearing the truth of their real purpose and design they were speechless and overwhelmed. Gil said and looked across the table to Thena. Her lips were pierced and jaw tight.

"There is no way Druig will help us." Kingo said. "Most of us haven't seen him for centuries. Even if he could put Tiamut to sleep, he wouldn't help.

"You don't know that." Sersei said. "Druig is a lot of things but he isn't evil." She glanced up at Ikaris who stood far from the others, by the door.

Gilgamesh took in a breath. "There may be a way we can Druig to help us." Thena's right eyebrow raised. The others peaked in interest. "If we could find Freya Odindautter, she could probably convince him."

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