Chapter 1 - Arrival

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A little boy, around four years, stood next to his mother, smiling at his little brother. "Goodnight, Sammy," he whispered and kissed the infants forehead gently. His mother, a gorgeous blonde woman, smiled softly and ruffled his hair. "Goodnight, Dean. Sleep well and you know, the angels are watching over you," she told him. The little boy nodded excitedly and hugged her one last time, then he hugged his father who just came into the room and stalked off to his own room to go to sleep.

His sleep was interrupted by the smell of smoke and panic began to fill his veins. He quickly ran out of his room, searching for him mother or his father, just wanting to be told that everything was alright and he didn't have to be scared.

But before he could ask his father what was happening he was holding the light frame of his baby brother in his arms and his father was shouting at him. "Go outside and keep your brother safe, Dean!" Dean nodded and quickly ran out, hoping to see his parents come out soon.


"You disgrace of a son! I wish you were never born, you should have died and not her!" The angry father shouted at the already scared boy. Dean was now older, he just turned 9 last month. By now he was used to all the shouting, he was used to being the bunch bag of his father. Of course, his old man hadn't hit him until today and Dean was glad. He was scared of the man.


He is right. You should have died instead of her. Everybody would be happier without you, you failure.

Dean, the now 12 year old boy, was sitting in his class room, wearing a way too big sweater to cover up all the bruises and his arms and chest. Sadly, he couldn't hide the black eye he had gotten the day before and all the kids were staring at him like he was crazy. Luckily they wouldn't stay here long, they never did.


Dean looked at his papers, confusion clouding his mind. No matter how hard he tried, he never understood Maths and his teachers began to get angry at him, but it wasn't really his fault that with all the moving he couldn't really concentrate on learning anything. He didn't even want to think about what his father would be doing if he found out that Dean got a F in his test again, probably even failing the classes because of that.

But that wasn't what mattered to Dean. The 16 year old just wanted his brother to have a relatively normal childhood and a good education. The younger Winchester son was some kind of genius, always getting good grades and never failing a class or not understanding something. Dean was somehow jealous of that but he already knew that he wouldn't get far in his life.

"Dean? There are people at our door and they're scaring me," he heard the soft whisper of his younger brother. Dean got up instantly. "Go to your room, Sam. Stay in there and don't come out, only if I come to get you, alright? You know what Dad would do if he found out that you were talking to strangers," he advised his younger brother who just nodded and left. Dean himself sighed and looked after the boy and then went to open the door.

"Hello? Can I help you?" He asked politely and looked at the woman and the police officer who were standing at their front door. He recognized that woman, she was their neighbour. He should've realized that that woman had always been too nosy and nice, of course she would get the police.

Because no matter how much Dean despised his father, the man was the only family he had besides Sam and he didn't want to lose that. And he was too scared of John Winchester, the man that abused him and blamed him for the death of Mary Winchester, his mother.

"We're here because we think that you and your brother are abused by your father, Dean. Can we come in and talk in there? Or is your father at home?" The officer asked. Dean was taken aback and opened the door fully, letting that woman and the officer in. "I'm sorry for the mess, we've just moved here and probably will move away soon," he mumbled and pushed some bags from the couch and took some of the beer bottles his father had left.

"Dean, right? Put those bottles away and sit down. Get your brother. We really need to talk to you about your father, okay? Child abuse is illegal and we want to keep you both safe and we can get your father in prison with your help," the officer explained. Dean's eyes widened and his grip around the bottles tightened. They couldn't ever get away from their dad, the man always found his sons and if he did, he always punished them. And Dean being the protective brother he took both his and his brother's beatings, just to keep the younger kid safe.

He heard a crash and turned around, seeing Sam standing in the doorway and looking at Dean with big puppy dog eyes. "Please, Dean... Show them... It can't go on like this forever and I hate this constant moving," he whispered pleadingly. Dean sighed and opened his mouth to disagree but deep down he knew that Sam was just right. If he didn't show them now, he would never get away from his father.

Taking a look at the officer, Dean closed his eyes and slowly pulled of his sweater. He just heard a shocked gasp and knew how it had to look. His stomach and chest were still in a deep blue, his father had beaten him up just the evening the day before. But Dean was glad that they didn't see his back, his back was the worst of all. Deep scars were practically littered on it and the skin didn't look like skin any more.

"Pack the stuff that you need the most, alright? We're taking you to a foster home with a pretty good reputation, you two will be safe there," the officer ordered and started talking into his phone.

Dean nodded and ran to his room, throwing some clothes and his journal in a bag. He didn't have much stuff anyways and he wouldn't miss a single thing. Suddenly he remembered something and ran to the bathroom, getting his little bag with his best friends.


And so here he was. Sitting in the garden of the foster home he had been taken to and just watching the other kids. There were hardly any kids his age, most of them were pretty young or Sam's age.

The Winchester brothers were here for a month and all Dean did was sitting alone, not really participating in anything, watching the other kids but never talking to a single one of them. He blamed it on the fear of having to leave but he knew that was bullshit. He was just scared of being hurt again.


A/N: So, here I am with a new story, this time a Destiel (whoo, party, not Jalex, whoo)

It will be awkward af but hey, Destiel is my OTP and I wanted to write a story for so long but I was scared so now I'm writing an AU.

Peace out, bitchachos

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