
808 9 1

Ship: AmeBel
Just pure domestic fluff

"Do you love me, Natalia?" The Belarusian flipped over from her side of the bed to face her husband. "Of course idiot. What kind of question is that." She asked. Alfred sighed and took a strand of her hair, twirling it around his finger. Natalia frowned at Alfred's melancholy expression. "Why are you asking?"

Alfred shrugged. "Sometimes it's just so surreal you know? How could I have gotten such a wonderful woman as yourself. So kind, and beautiful, and a great cook-"

"Shut up stupid capitalist," she scowled, but was unable to hide the slight blush on her face. Alfred smiles in delight. "You're blushing!"
"Am not!

"Am too!"

"Shut up before I cut out your tongue!"

"You're adorable."

With a growl, Natalia jumped on top of him, holding him down. "I. Am. Not. Adorable." She spat. Alfred laughed, gently pushing her away. "Okay, okay! I take it back. You're not adorable, you're beautiful." Natalia opened her mouth to say something, but before she could utter a word, Alfred's lips met hers in a soft, sweet kiss. Natalia kissed back, turning the innocent gesture into something more passionate. Alfred squeaked, pulling away quickly. "Natalia! So not fair!" Natalia couldn't hide her smirk at the sight of the blubbering, blushing American.

She situated herself by his right side and kissed the embarrassed man on the cheek. "Of course I love you, idiot. Why do you think I promised to spend my entire life with you?" She asked, her soft breath ticking Alfred's cheek. "Stop being so insecure, you're my lover and I won't leave you. Ever." Alfred sighed and placed their foreheads together, entertwining their fingers.

"I know, my love, and I'm so thankful for you everyday. When you said yes to me I almost couldn't believe it. I have never felt so happy in my life, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy as well," he vowed, blue eyes shining with love for his wife.
"I am the hero, after all!" He added.
Natalia huffed and layed back down on the bed, pressing her body close to Alfred's. Alfred wrapped an arm around her and kissed her again. Pulling away, the couple smiled at each other, love evident in in their features. "Ja liubliu cabie, maja rodnasnaja dusa." Natalia whispered into her husband's ear. Alfred smiled.

"Ja takasama ciabie luiblui, maja pryhazunia."

Translation: I love you, my soulmate
I love you too, my beautiful one

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