... still enjoying it!

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After running this much I decided to rest for a bit and just sit on a tree branch.


I never angered RG this much...

I am soo dead meat.

No I am deader than dead.

Nezu I sure hope you will get me out of this situation cause this is your freaking fault!

Also thanks Aizawa!

Still love the scarf!

At least it isn't that cold with that thing around my neck.

Now I know why you like it that much...

I wonder if you will teach me how to use it properly.

Shihai: So we saw Kojio fly? Looks like we have Bakugo in the game then.

Yui: Don't you think it could also be Uraraka.

Itsuka: I don't think they will put her against us all. Either Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki or Bakugo.

Togaru: Why Iida?

Itsuka: He is the class rapresentative after all. They could just decided based on that.

Togaru: I would say no.

Yui: Guys look isn't that Reiko?

Reiko: ..It's .... Mid..oriya...

She was a lot out of breath and it was only after she caught up to them which by the way was directly below me, that they stopped moving.

Itsuka: Calm down and rest here first.

Reiko: It's  ... Midoriya....

Togaru: So Midoriya is in the game...

Reiko: He's a psychopath!

Me: I like the description of crazy genius more thank you very much besides I am a killer rabbit.

The moment I said that I jumed down directly behind Shihai and began strangeling the guy.

Me: Move and I'll snap his neck.

Itsuka: You wouldn't do that.

Me: Why is everyone thinking that I wouldn't harm them?

Reiko: He would! ... I saw him handle the others!

Me: thank you!

By now I was strangeling the guy soo much that he stopped wiggeling and then just kicked him towards Yui.

After that I didn't gave them a lot of time to even activate their quirks as I was already by their side kicking and punching each one of them. Now I even used the scarf to block their attack and wrapp their wrist around it, then dislocating and breaking some bones.

Screams echoed all over the place and once I was done there where 5 people on the ground unconcious and bleeding because you know sometimes my kicks make them throw up some blood and when I hit them with a tree brach which I use as a stick, they can see starts and have a head wound as well as knocking thier head down...

To sum it up it was a nice concussion that I gave them all besides Shihai.

Me: Okay, come out. I know you are there and I know wh- AUTCH!

This time I felt something hitting my head and hearing it fall down. It even made me fall down to my knees. One look ebhind me and I saw RG's cane.

You gotta be freaking kidding me!

Now you are throwing that thing at me!

Well don't expect me to give it back or not pick it up.

Also thanks for the weapon.

Me: ... For real?

RG: Someone needs to knock some sense itno you!

Me: What did I do wrong?

RG: Breaking bones? Really?! Not as if you breaking your owns is not enough. Now you are breaking others?

Me: Hey! What do you even want from me?! How should I deal with them else wihtout getting injured. You want me to suffer instead is that it?

RG: No. I want you to just hit their goddamn pressure point and make them fall unconscious and not make me heal each and everyone of them as well as give them a fucking trauma when they see you or that scarf next time.

Me: Ohh excuse me that I can't be that picky!

RG: *Sigh*

I picked up the cane from the ground and looked at RG with a smile on my face.

RG: No. Don't you dare run away.

Me: Well you threw it at me first...


Me: and who sounds like Bakugo know!

Rg: *Sigh* I am too old for this shit.

Me: That's why you shouldn't go after me granny.

Now that was the last thing I said before running off with a cane in my hand as a new weapon.

Now that was the last thing I said before running off with a cane in my hand as a new weapon

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