The bet!

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A/N: Izuku POV unless said otherwise!

3rd POV:

It was a pretty normal day at UA, well that was if you didn't take the dispute in account that was currently going on at the teacher's office. Nothing out of the ordinary for the teachers at UA since something like this was going on for weeks.

Vlad King: Don't you dare think that your class is any better than mine.

Aizawa: At least mine didn' betray me.

Vlad King: They didn't betray me. They only asked Midoriya for help.

Aizawa: That's because you failed at your job.

Vlad King: As if you teach your class at all!

Aizawa: That's the point! I don't have to they are good as they are.

Vlad King: You mean filled with mental problems.

Aizawa: That's why they are problem children.

Vlad King: If we are putting one class vs the other I bet mine would win.

Aizawa: No. You are wrong.

Vlad King: Wanna bet?

All Might: I do you one better. I bet that one of class 1A is even able to beat your whole class on his own.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Please don't say Bakugo.

Vlad King: That angry Pomeranian has some angry management issues!

Hound Dog: I hear angry management issues... Who are you talking about?

Mic: Oh they are just at it again.

Hound Dog: This the what time this week?

Mic: I lost count.

Midnight: 42th.

Hound Dog: *Sigh* Why can't they just accept that both of their classes are great.

Mic: Well you know Sho.

Midnight: And Vlad.

Hound Dog: True... They for sure love their classes even if they would never admit it.

All Might: No. I am talking about my boy.

Aizawa: Midoriya?

Mic: You mean the cinnamon roll?

Aizawa: You mean Sinn-amon roll.

Midnight: Come on Sho! What did he ever do wrong?! He is so cute!

Aizawa: Pfff- then you clearly don't know him.

All Might: I even bet he can wipe out your class quirklessly.

Vlad King: HAHAHAHA you sure you want to bet?!

Nezu: Oh I am quite sure. Now who's in?

Mic: Are we officially allowed to bet right now?

RG: Looks like it. I put my money on the green bean.

All Might: I'll of course support my boy.

Aizawa: The Sinnamon roll of my class.

Nezu: I won't bet of course to make it fair.

Vlad King: I am for my class.

Mic: I join. 1 against 20. No way he can do that.

Midnight: Come on Sho, you sure you are not putting the small little green bean through too much?

Aizawa: If only you knew.

Midnight: Well I am with Zashi.

Power Loader: So am I.

Snipe: Me too.

Cementoss: Count me in.

Thirteen: Me three.

Hound Dog: Me fourth.

RG: Nezu, you hosting the game?

Nezu: Why of course, I'll be the one hosting the game!

RG: No weapons!

Aizawa: No dangerous surrounding.

All Might: Don't let him have a pen and some papers.

Nezu: Anything else you want to tell me which I know of already?

Mic: So...who's gonna tell the little listeners.

Aizawa: *Sigh* I'll do it.

Midnight: NO! Let me!

All Might: He's my boy.

Nezu: Enough! No one will.

Mic: What do you mean?

Nezu: We'll just put a note with everyone so they can think on their own.

Vlad King: Why does this sound like a survival game.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Cause it is you idiot!

All Might: And your class is the prey.

RG: Better be prepared Hound Dog.

Hound Dog: I'll plan a session with Midoriya after wards.

RG: Well that too but class 1B will need it more.

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