I am dead after this...

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Since I had a scraf now, there was nothing stopping me from snuggeling and hiding my own mouth from the others. It was really getting cold and all I wanted was just to be in something warm. At least Aizawa gave me his scarf so that this cold was somewhat more bearable. 

Again I found a group of people but this time I took the scarf in my hand or at least one and and used it as a rope. That mean that I was hanging in a tree upside down and put the scarf around someones neck and wpulled them up suffocating them for a bit before deciding to drop them on the next person walking.

In short I suffocated Kinoko and dropped her on Kojiro which made him use his quirk and they got stuck together somehow. It was really funny and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Me: Pfff-hahahaha

How did he not see me pull her up for a good minute or her stuggeling?!

They really are dense!

What a failure of a hero class!

Well looks like I just eliminated two people.

I wonder how they will get her out of the glue...

Well she's unconscious anyways.

He isn't however!

I jumped down from where I was and went towards the poor guy on the floor.

Me: You know... if Aizawa didn't take my knifes and weapons that I made this would have looked a lot bloodier. But All I have is this capture gear now... so I' be a little creative.

So instead of just let him be there I kinda decided to tie his foot with the scarf and then twirl him around and send him flying away because I didn't make the knot as tight as I should have.

Me: Upsy dasy!

That I really didn't expected....

Welp it sure was fun hearing his scream...

Okay where is RG now!

I am sure she will pop up to scold me any second now.

I put the scarf back around my neck and started walking since about 5 minutes passed and she didn't came at all. Taking that silents as approval I started to wakl off that was when I spotted her.

RG: You had to throw them into the air!

Me: It was an option!

RG: I should have known something is wrong when Aizawa came back without his scarf.

Ohh so this wasn't something they told him to do.


Aizawa your offically my favorite hero and teacher of all time!

Me: Well it was cold.

RG: Uhu... and then you needed to use it.

Me: I won't just waste an opportunity.

RG: .... and this is why you nearly snapped Kinoko's neck while pulling her up and suffocate her?

Me: It was something that could have happened in the process and that I learned form Endeavor. Collateral damage is something you can pretty easily hide nowadays.


Me: Welp if that is all, I need to go!

I knew that she would try and take the scarf from me, so I bocked it and ran in a random direction. After a while I turned around to look if she was following me and managed to ran into a tree branch which made me fall to the ground seeing stars.

Me: Autch.... I think I deserved that one....

Ibara: Yes you did.

Me: ... oh hello there!

Ibara: How are you doing?

Me: Well I am currently on the run but otherwise fine and you?

Ibara: Just cuaght my prey so I would say perfect.

Me: I wouldn't say that.

Ibara: Oh really?

Me: Yes.

I jumped back on my feet and used the scarf as a lasso t throw her off. While she was focusing on the scarf, I quickly dodged and sidestepped seemingly fanishing from her view until I got close to her and then just jumped kicker her against the next tree.

Ibara: Uff.

Me: Told ya!

I then went over to her and used her as a punching bag until she collapsed. It did felt good punching something other than a tree by now.

Me: HA!


She ended up with probably a broken rib or to just by the sound of her breathing...

Better get out of here before RG comes.

RG: What in the three devils name were you thinking.


It surprised me hearing her voice that mucht that I jumped andused the scarf to get up the tree which was a good reaction cause she was about to whack me until I would end up like the girl I just beat up.

RG: Come down here.

Me: I can't hear you!


Me: I still can't hear you!

After the second time I said that I started part running and part jumping as well as swinging from one tree to the other.

This was close....

This was close

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