Chapter 7 - Say what now?!... about my car's extended warranty?!

Start from the beginning

It's a somewhat a triangular shape with a white stripe at the top and red stripe at the bottom, with a big blocky A in the middle of the patches. What does the A stand for? Why did they picked the letter A for their patches? And why are they here? Many questions that I want answers from this mysterious force.

Maybe another time.

Right now, we're being escorted to a field on their side. As we walked to their lines, we saw a long dug out positions that seems to be extended to the bases of the mountains. As we moved towards the dug outs, we saw multiple tents that has soldiers inside it, most of them were walking in for a rest I think, while some go out and moved towards the dug outs.

As we arrived at the field, we saw the rest of the surviving division sitting on the grass. For all I can count, it was close to at least 1000 of our infantry just sitting there while enemy guards looked at the large crowd of soldiers.

Me, the sergeants, corporals, soldiers and a battle-mage, that was with me in the crater where we were captured. The enemy soldiers that captured us put us in the front. While we wait for our inevitable doom of interrogation, we decided to talk since some of our troops talked to each other while the guards just looked at them.

"Commander, what's gonna happen to us?" Sergeant Andrew asked as his hands was on his head.

I sighed at that statement, "I don't know Sergeant, for all we know. We might be interrogated for information or kill us all."

"I think they'll pick the first one," Battle-mage Harry said that to me as his hands are also on his head, "They might need information first, I doubt they'll kill a force that has a lot of information. Especially you Commander Evan and Major Samuel."

I looked at Mage Harry as he was right about the last one. Me and Major Samuel are high ranking officers of this division, they definitely want information from us.

I sighed again in defeat, he's right, we might be the first one or last to be interrogated. Either way we're getting interrogated.

As we wait at the fields, we saw three men with stars on their patches. One has two golden stars at the top and two golden bars at the bottom. The other also has two golden stars at the top, but has a single golden bar on the bottom. The last one has two silver stars at the top and a singular bar at the bottom. All in all, we don't know who the high ranking officer from the three of them.

Then the two silver star and one bar moved to the front of us, he then looked around at our troops who is still sat on the grass. He then coughed to get their attention to him, this worked as the rest of our soldiers looked at him with curiosity and fear.

"Listen up!" he shouted at us, "We want answers on why you are attacking innocent civilians and this country?" he looked at us sternly as he walked back and forth, "We want real answers not fake ones, saying fake information will make you guys..." he slid his neck with his finger in a cutting manner, "...Results death to you."

This made us gulp in fear, for we might be killed if we say the wrong things.

Over to Divisional General Lutz Location 3rd P.O.V.

As General Lutz said that threat, he was tapped by his companion 2nd Major General Aubert as he was getting Lutz attention.

"Uhm, you wouldn't really kill them would you?" he whispered at General Lutz with a look of concern.

He looked at his back to see 1st Major Cale and Samantha who is looking slightly scared at him, he then looked around him to see his troops looked at him with some eyebrows raised and a shock look.

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