Mari put both hands on his small cheeks and kissed his nose. Sani followed by doing the same and sneaking a kiss on her cheek before running to the front door where Savior stood smiling at them.

"Be good for Savi." Mari playfully looked at Sani with raised eyebrows while Savior helped him put his backpack on.

Savior and Mari laughed when Sani smiled and saluted her before taking his backpack from Savior. "Have a good day, ma. I'll text you." Savior told her, opening the front door. Mari nodded and blew both of her boys a kiss as they walked out the front door.


"I could be blowing him— if you know what I mean— but instead he's blowing me." Aijah told the girls, rolling her eyes, as they sat in Mari's living room. After Savior dropped Sani off a few hours ago, Mari cleaned up the house and went shopping for Cee's birthday gift with Mayah. They came back to her house and met the rest of the girls who had went out to get their nails done.

Tasia hunched over laughing, "Where do you come up with this shit?"

"Don't laugh at her Tasia. You stay talking nasty about that boy and forgetting he's my blood cousin. I think I'm gonna throw up." Mari frowned, making the girls laugh harder.

"It's something new with you and Thirty everyday, Aijah." Mayah commented, shaking her head and pulling Silas up from the white fur carpet and onto her lap.

Everyone had grown used to Thirty and Aijah's constant bickering over the years. No one knew when their relationship took a turn for the worst but it did and the whole family witnessed it. They'd argue over the smallest stuff but somehow still managed to stay together. They weren't nearly as toxic as her and Rell were, but they were quickly catching up.

"It's his ass. Always wanna give someone a fucking lecture." Aijah shook her head and turned her attention back down at her phone where she was arguing with Thirty on iMessage.

"At this point, just break up." Mari spoke bluntly, dropping her shoulders, "Sure every relationship has it's ups and downs but if you find yourself arguing more than smiling with him, that's when you need to ask yourself if being together is really worth it. It's not healthy and let's be real, what are either of y'all gaining by continuing to stay in a relationship that clearly isn't working out?"

"It's not that simple, Mari." Aijah furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend, "I really really like him and I'm not gonna drop him because shit is getting hard. I'm gonna keep trying." She shrugged.

Mari opened her mouth to tell Aijah to stop being dumb but Mayah, who was sitting right next to her, put her hand out to stop Mari. "Who are we to judge? Let's just let her work on her own relationship however she wants. People have different strategies when it comes to dealing with shit. You know Thirty on a cousin level, AJ knows him intimately so she knows how to deal with him."

"I guess." Mari sighed to herself. One of her main concerns when Aijah and Thirty first got together was having to be stuck in the middle of the two. She didn't want their rough relationship to drive a wedge between her and her best friend or her cousin so she often kept her thoughts to herself. But it was coming to a point where she didn't see the need for them to be together.

Trini cleared her throat, "Anyways, Mayah what does Cee like? 'Cause I'm literally the worst at gifts."

"Anything pink or yellow." She shrugged, "Just don't get her any more toys 'cause Zion comes home with new ones for her and this lil' nigga every single day." Mayah said, pointing at Silas who sat on her lap facing her and resting his head on her chest.

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