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Zack and I stare at Eddie with their twisted perspective of "love".

"Are you trying to make me hurl up my guts or something?" Zack complained tired of this bullshit.

"I have an eye for what's truly beautiful and what's not. Rachel and Y/n would look so lovely down here." Eddie turned his head towards Zack. "That's why I'll be the one to kill her."

"Shut it! You ain't that special!" I blinked a few times. Are these guys really fighting about who gets to kill Rachel? And me? I gulped. I'm surrounded by psychopaths I swear. I watched them fight for a bit, soon getting board. I should go see if Rachels alright. I started biting my nails. With every swing Zack would miss.

"Zack?" I looked around, "where did he go!?" I yelled, Eddie's giggles filled the room. I griped my hair tightly tugging it. The lights flickered, I fell onto my knees. "I'm brave, I'm brave, I'm brave, I'm brave, I'm brave, I'm brave, I'm brave." I continued repeating. Breath Y/n deep breaths! Dammit just breath! Eddie won't hurt you! Zack is here. He's not going to leave you.
"Come out and fight, you little neophiliac!" Zack growled. I covered my mouth, laughing a bit. I softly smiled.

Rachel's point of view

Y/n and Zack will be fine I thought as I left their side. I walked further into a hallway, suddenly stopping. I got closer to see what it was. On the floor stood a letter with a flower on top. Maybe this could be a clue? I stuffed it into my bag continuing to walk. I reached a room filled with book shelfs and books stacked against it and as well as a desk in the middle. Most importantly there was a door with a key card radar. I'd gasp running towards it. It was green. Was it because of what Zack stepped on in the water? I'd open up the door in confusion. A dark long hallway stood before me. I looked next to me, spotting a flashlight.

"I'm gonna need that." I grabbed it, turning it on. I guided the light towards the floor checking for anything that might harm me. Nothing. "The cost is clear." I took a deep breath and walked in. The hallway seemed to be going on for hours. The roof started to drip water. I noticed something. "It's another letter." I picked it up. The flower was freshly picked this time, as for the letter it wasn't folded inside an envelope like the other. This is exactly like the other ones. "There's nothing to worry about, you and I want the same thing." I looked back up noticing the room had water. Similar to the "pool" we were next too before. Although, it was smaller. There was steam floating near it. I'd tense up. Giggling would echo around the room. I'd turn my flash light towards the noise. Nothing. "Who's there?" I asked.

"Hello, Rachel." I turned my flash light again, nothing. " I'm going to grant your wish for you! Isn't that great! But there's something I want from you first. You have to entrust yourself to me completely. Loves better when it goes both ways, don't you think?" My flash light started to blink. I hit it a few times but, nothing it had completely turned off. "I understand you more than you know. You want to die. So... just tell me yes!" This person sounded playful. I heard them jump down landing behind me. "I'm glad we finally met. My name's Eddie." I turned around. He help a shovel behind his back ready to hit me. I backed away. "You don't have to run. I won't try to kill ya out of the blue like those other guys." I turned around, he was there "A good example is Zack! What do both Y/n and you see in him anyway? Zack is so sloppy when he kills people. He doesn't even care about making it look nice! But don't worry. I'm not like that at all! I know everything that happened to you and Y/n! I know about your mom and dad. Your whole story."

"Do you really?" I asked nervously.

"Yep! So you're in good hands." Eddie smiled.

"In that case, can you tell me why I'm here?" I asked getting closer to him.

Where Am I? An Angles Of Death StoryWhere stories live. Discover now