Where Am I?

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I'd open my eyes, I looked around my surroundings, I got up from my chair moving behind it. While doing this I saw the moon, it was different. It was brighter then usual, and not to mention it was blue. I'd rub my eyes making sure if I were seeing things correctly. It didn't make a difference, it looked fake. I'd sigh. The moon can't be that close to me. I had a small smile, it quickly vanished.

"Well time to go back home." I'd sigh. I'd walk away until I noticed something I didn't before. A second chair A few feet away from mine. I then noticed a person was in it finally waking up. I'd quickly ran toward the glass that trapped me from almost touching the moon. It got up looking around their surroundings itself. So they're confused to where they are now aren't they? I'd ask myself, I saw the back of their hair, it was long and straight having this light blond color. They were short. Soon after they turned around, their confused face turning into a scared one. I looked at their face, she had this magical blue eyes. I could tell she was defiantly younger then me 10? 13 maybe? I quickly noticed her backing away faster.

"It's ok! I don't want to hurt you, I woke up in the chair next to yours!" I'd exclaim. She still looked scared, no maybe worried. She looked towards my chair. She'd sigh and looked back at me.

"Do you know where we are?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No I woke up a few minutes before you." She looked down sadly. I looked at her noticing she was deep in thought. She had a cute outfit it was a white jacket with a black and white striped t-shirt. With shorts and boots, and a black bag similar to mine. She quickly looked back up heading my way. She looked out the window with the fake like moon.

"The moon is pretty." She said, I nodded in response. "It looks fake too." I once again nodded. "I better hurry up, my parents might be worried."

"Yeah I need to get home myself." I looked at her getting the courage to introduce myself to her. "I'm Y/n! By the way." she looked at me with her hand on the door nob.

"I'm Rachel. Rachel Gardner." I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you Rachel!" I said happily.

"Nice to meet you too." She said with a small smile, then turned to the door, opening it. We both looked at the surroundings behind the door, a corridor was in front of us. I looked back at Rachel who was once again deep in thought. There were so many security cameras, it scared me a little. People could be watching us through them. This also had shaken up Rachel. I looked back at her seeing something clearly go her attention, I followed behind her, going down the corridor. There were words engraved on the wall, near it was a fence leading somewhere we couldn't reach. I read the words on the wall with Rachel. Rachel began to say it out loud. I stayed close looking at the other doors around us.

"Who really are you?' What?' You should ask yourself who am I?" I slowly opened the door. "The real myself or the one I believe to be? An angels or a sacrifice." She paused as her and I look at the now open door "Know yourself and new doors with open." We see in front of us a mirror. I looked the same as before waking up here. I'd fix my hair separating it into low ponytails. I had a bag on with a shirt, shorts and a skirt, a sweater,a choker and a necklace.

(You can pick whatever you want to wear just thought Y/n might wear this)

I started hearing something typing, quickly putting my arm in front of Rachel and looked down, a table and a typewriter was typing something, Rachel looked nervous at it. What's your name?' It said.

"I'm Rachel Gardner." She said still having the same worried expression.

"And I'm Y/N L/N." I said, confused on how it was typing by itself. This time it typed 'Why are you here?'

"I don't know." I said trying to think why I'm here, nothing came to my mind. I heard Rachel speaking.

"I was at a hospital and then suddenly I was here." I quickly turned my head towards her, wondering why she was there, she doesn't look sick or seem sick. The typewriter typed 'Why?' Rachel not changing her expression of worry, not that I can blame her stuck somewhere she doesn't know and is talking to a typewriter, said "I'm not sure." It typed again 'Why?' She backed away. I hugged her to reassure her. It typed "Why were you at the hospital?"

She took a deep breath, and with her courage said "Because... I saw something horrifying." I saw her shaking.

"I witnessed a murder. That's why." I hugged her tighter. A young girl seeing a murder.

"I had to be brought in for counseling." No one this young deserves seeing someone die.

"I want to leave this place. And so dose Y/n." She said taking another deep breath. I slowly let her go patting her head.

"I need to see my parents." She said.
The type writer went to talk to me. 'Why are you here?'. We heard screeching. I turned around.

"An exit?" Rachel said to herself.

I signed, "I actually forgot." I was an airhead at times. Not proud, but it's true. The typewriter kept typing 'Why?' Pages and pages were filled with it. So many times that the paper was touching the floor. Quickly grabbing Rachel's hand and walking backwards towards the exit. The typewriter was jammed. I turned back towards the exit with Rachel.

"Holly shit it's an elevator!!!" I said amazed, why? I don't know... but it was fancy. In a way. Rachel looked at me with a wtf face. I shook my head telling myself it's not the time for that. We got in, holding each others hand. She needed it. I needed it.

(No one's point of view)

The elevator closed. The type writer was broken, every page covered in 'Why?', but one sentence, 'liar'.

Where Am I? An Angles Of Death StoryWhere stories live. Discover now