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Dr. Danny finally let use go.  The fuck. A shiver went down my spine, a creepy ass room was in front of  us.

"Where are we?" Rachel said worried as Dr. Danny placed both of his hands on her shoulders.  He has an strange smile, well stranger.

"We're in an operating room, naturally." My eyes widen this terrifying place has an operation room!? Is it for torture or some shit like that!? I'd freak out thinking about all of the different probabilities. "Now then dear, let me get a good look at those eyes!" He smiled. Bleh. This bitch it obsessed with eyes. Creepy fetish much? Nah, more like you're taking it far. My eyes widen once more, Dr. Danny went to cover Rachels with his hands. I slapped them away she was clearly uncomfortable. She moved behind me. Behind her was an operating chair with a bright ad's light. Dr. Danny smile creepily. "My what exquisite oculi! Just like my mother had! He took a deep breath. "But, alas, when I see that terrified expression, they look so ordinary you're breaking my heart!" He shouted. I placed my arm in front of Rachel.

"I won't let you get hurt!" I harshly whispered. She nodded hugging me. She's so fucking cute. My heart melted. WAIT. Y/N FOUCES.

"I want to gaze at them in their purest form!"  He walked closer to Rachels direction. Staring into her blue eyes while doing so. She started to shake a bit, tugging on my jacket. "Maybe I can wake up from this nightmare. I'll get to enjoy that beautiful silence." I looked at her. Her eyes went dull. She was looking like a doll. "Much like that of the soft blue moon above us. Reflected in your eyes once again. Oh Rachel sweet girl." He pushed me aside.

"RACHEL!?" I yell looking on my side Dr. Danny placed his hands on both of her cheeks.

"I want to spend my whole life gazing at these beautiful eyes of yours. But... I..." I regained my balance and got up. His creepy smile went back to his normal creepy smile. "I just remembered. A while ago, I misplaced something that's very important to me! So would you be a good girl and help me look for it?"

"You're secret stash of human eyes you stole from other human beings  for your kink?" I said rudely string at his eyes with hate, as waving my hand around trying to slap his away. He looked at me hurt, I didn't give a fuck, he was hurting Rachel.

"Something important?" Rachel asked.   

"I can look through this room with Y/N. Meanwhile you can search the back room for me ok?" He asked. " Go on. You're a smart girl, so I bet you can figure put what I need." He patted her head. "Now put those gorgeous Blue peepers to work and take a good look at me." I joined Rachel on examining him. "Think back. Is there something different with my face?" He chuckled. "I'll give you a hint. You see my eye is alexandrite." He smiled once more. "That backroom is quite dark, so be careful. But don't strain those beautiful peepers of yours." The backroom door opened. Freaky much? I looked down at Rachel hugging  her tightly.

"If you feel stranger or nervous tell me. If there's anything fishy in there yell, same if something hurts you alright?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded.

"Same with you." She said holding my hand until she left.

(Rachels point of view)

I slowly and gently let go of Y/ns hands as I walked into the backroom. It was pitch dark I could only see shelfs  I held onto the strap of my bag. There were even more shelfs and boxes. I stopped and gasped I was taken aback. I moved back. There were human eyes. 

"Are those...?" I stepped back. I wanted Y/N with me. But she's doing something, I can't be dependent on her. But... I miss her. 

"Poor thing." I gasped turning around quickly. I knew whose voice it was. It wasn't comforting or sweet like Y/N's.  Dr. Danny was in front of me. I held onto my bags strap tighter. "You still don't remember, do you? Come on." He moved closer, I backed away. "Think about the first time you met me. Outside the hospital."

"I'm sorry. I don't think that happened." I don't remember that. I really don't. He backed me into the table with the eyes. He laughed.

"Well how about that! I'm so happy you found it!" I looked behind me. Y/N where are you?

"This fake eye. So it belongs to you?" 

"That's correct! Doesn't it jog your memory at all? Not even a little?" when he said that all I could do is stare at him confused. He did the same although with a creepy smile. "I understand. Everything is still a little hazy. Could you please give me that? Hurry." His eyes widen, "We'll both be happy if you do."

"But where's Y/N-" I was cut off.

"HAND IT OVER!" Dr. Danny yelled extending his arms so I don't see the door behind him.

"Alright." I slowly turned around worried, was he going to hurt me? All I heard was him chuckling. I slowly got the jar filled with different colored eyes behind me. Patiently turned around so it wouldn't fall. I handed it over to him. 

" Attagirl." He said pleased. "I'll go ahead and pop it in now. You shouldn't look it quiet disturbing." I didn't want to give it to him. "Why don't you go in the other room? And wait for me." He said. Soon his face changed into a disturbing one. "If you run or open the door to leave, you're going to be real sorry." Once he said that he kicked me out of the backdoor. I was inside the operating room again.

"Somethings wrong, there's no way he's our counselor. We need to leave."  Wait a minute where.

"Y/N?" She wasn't here. "She was here a minute ago. Wasn't she? She wouldn't leave me here for bait or so right?" I kept asking myself these questions. I heard pounding on the door. Then a sigh of exhaustion. "Y/N?" I asked rushing towards the door.


"You can just open the door, you know?" I said. I pulled the door handle. It didn't work.

(Y/N's point of view.)

"SMARTASS! YOU THINK I DIDN'T TRY THAT!?" I yelled. Still pounding on the door. "That bastard locked the fucking door." I pouted.

"How did that happen? Were you paying attention?" The smartass asked.

"No, no, no, no you see  I went outside with him, to look for his eyes, since ya know there a bazillion rooms here. He told me to check another door, I did. When I came out he wasn't there." I sighed in disappointment. All I can hear was her sighing, most likely in embarrassed for me or also in disappointment. That's normal for me though. 

"It's fine." She said. I sighed, wait a minute. 

"Wait, Ray you got anything to break the door or the lock?" I asked. She looked around.

"There's a crowbar!" She said quickly getting up to pick it up. "Come on. Just a little more..." The door didn't bust open, the crowbar fell onto the ground.

"Rachel! Rachel! Are you ok?" I yelled she didn't answer me.

"You silly little girl. I specifically said not to run away!" is all I could hear, Dr. Danny got her. 

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