The fuck

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I could hear them talking behind me. I kept messing with my pigtails. I was confused whither to trust him or not. He seemed nice but I don't remember him and he just casually say he's both mine and Rachels counselor!?

"I don't understand something doctor. Why didn't you try to escape?" I heard Rachel ask.

"Because you and Y/N where here. As I said before, it's my responsibility to take care of you both." He paused. So he was here for a while, how dose he know Rachel and I were in this building? "It's funny since, I don't know why I knew it was a feeling of hope." He said patting Rachels head. He looked at me and smiled. I turned around facing forward again.

"What do you mean by a feeling of hope?" I asked him. I stopped and turned around to face them. He had a surprised face.

"So we can have a normal conversation after all."

"It's also a question you'll answer." I said looking at him taking my hood off.

"I just, I just believed you both would come back to me safely. And that feeling came true as if a wish." He said with a nervous look, but he had a soft smile. Rachel stood there a bit confused.

"So you've been waiting for us all this time?" She asked wanting for him to clarify on that part. "How did you know we'd both be her-"

"In any case!" He was starting to change the subject. Rachel also noticed something was odd about him. She let go of his hand reaching for mine, he noticed it. "We need to find a way to reach the next floor." He smiles.

"What the fuck." I said looking in front of us a glass wall. I let go of Rachels hand. She looked at me confused and worried. Did she think I'd leave her? Never. I would never. I can't. I looked at her with a reassuring look. "Don't worry! I'll fix this!" Rachel looked at me with her eyes covered in hope. They weren't the same.. but I'll take it. "I'm just going to try to break this mother fucker!" I said cheerful, with my signature goofy smile. Rachel looked at me with a look that screamed 'You aren't serious are you?'. Dr. Danny wanted to say something, but I cut him off. "Let's break this wall!" I ran back, I raced towards the glass ready to break it.

"FUCK!" I yelled, I grabbed my arm in pain. I didn't make a scratch. More like I couldn't focus since I'm here with an almost broken arm. I could just be dramatic, but damn.

"Are you ok!?" Rachel said rushing towards me. I nodded, the pain was fading. She sighed in relief. I felt a hand on my head, patting it? Yep they were patting it. I knew who it was.

"What the fuck man!!! You fucking watched me instead or helping!?" I barked holding my arm still.

"I was going to say it was too thick to break." I looked at him it anger.

"YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME SOONER!" I yelled. He gently grabbed my arm, examining it.

"I was, but you cut me off and crashed your arm into the wall before I could repeat myself." He said sighing. I looked away. "Your arm should be fine. It isn't broken or out of place. Be careful next time." He said gently letting my arm fall to my side.

"Thanks I guess." I whispered no one heard me. He helped me, well calmed me down. But he helped.

"You could also listen to your companies." He continued. That ticked me off.

"I listen! Not to you, but to Rachel! Maybe next time don't just appear into our lives again in a murder house! That's just fucking sketchy bitch!" I yelled stupid things. He just patted my head. I calmed down. This happened before. Where? Where did this happen? Who? When? WHERE!?

"So how will we-" Rachel was cut off by Dr. Danny.

"Oh well, it looks like the three of us are trapped in here together!"
He smiled creepily. I felt uncomfortable, just the way he said it. Rachel felt the same way. I quickly grabbed Rachels hand with my injured one. I could feel a bit of pain, but Rachel doesn't need to worry about my right now.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you both scared and uncomfortable." Dr. Danny said placing one of his hands on Rachels head, the other on mine.
"Relax, after all you never know. If we take this slow and see how this plays out." Something ticked me off, I remember this but from where!? Where have I heard this shit before!? What's wrong with my head!? "Something just might happen." When he said that my eyes widened. I grabbed both of his hands, pushing them away, they reached his sides. He looked at me confused, no, worried maybe? No it was surprised.

"Sorry if that frightened you, I just meant maybe something good will happen to the three of us." Dr. Danny said upset at himself.

"You're right, something good will happen to Rachel and I" I said harshly.

"I agree, the three of us will find something good! It will get us out if here, safely without any more harm!" Rachel said with a bright smile. She was hopeful. I hugged her. She had a soft smile this time.

"Let's see what's in that room then." Dr. Danny said point to a door. I nodded, I held Rachels hand tightly.

"Fuck... this place is fucking creepy as fuck!" I said with a shiver going down my spine. Hospital beds aligned. Rachel ran towards the wall in front of us. Dr. Danny and I follow. I sighed.
"This shit again?" I said irritated.

"Do you know what you really want?" Rachel began to read it.

"Bitch, what do you think? We want to leave here!" I sighed talking to the walls writing.

"Desire, do you know what it is? There is no reason to fight against it, if it's your true desire." Rachel continued. I looked at her, she held her hands together as if she were praying. "And the next part says, there is no reason for you to be here. But remember, don't break the rules. For each wish, there will be a price." Rachel finished confused. I was also confused myself, probably more confused then her. "I'm confused." Rachel said. My brain worked.

"Maybe it's talking about the rules of this building!" Both Dr. Danny and I said at the same time. I stood there proud. Dr. Danny patted my head to congratulate me. I slapped it away again.

"And the desire part is weird too." Rachel said. I placed my hand on her head. I flipped my hair.

"Rachel, you see that part means. Means. Means? FUCK." I said passing back and forth. "Mr. Know it all! Answer her question." I said with a pissed off look.

"They probably mean that you should ask yourself what you want most." He said.

"Freedom." I answered. He sighed.

"What I desire the most is to have perfect eyes. You see, one of mine doesn't work so well a the other." Dr. Danny looked at Rachel with a small smile, but his eyes showed sadness. He looked directly into Rachels eyes. "If only I had pretty eyes like your. How wonderful life would be." He sighed. Rachel got a tad uncomfortable and backed away. Danny looked at me. "No offence. You 'res are also amazing!" He said .

"It's fine." I said as I looked once again at Rachels eyes. "They are a beauty." Rachel was staring at something. She went to touch it.

"There's more writing-" She was cut off by Dr. Danny grabbing her hand holding it tightly.

"Please don't do that." He said with an off look. "The wall is terribly dusty. Better take good care of those peepers, a single speck of dust could ruin them! Come on, let's go look in a different room." Dr. Danny ended grabbing our hands. He'd drag us out of the room. Rachel tried to follow after him as he held her hand tightly, and he pulled me by the hood of my hoodie. I had my arms crossed with an angry look on my face. This is gonna be a long fucking night.

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