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(Rachels point of view)

"I'LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE! JUST HOLD ON!" I heard Y/N scream on the other side of the door. I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"I told you to not open the door or try to escape." I heard him say. I started messing with my fingers.

"I- I saw. Heard Y/N outside. I just wanted to let her in. I thought maybe she locked herself out there or-" I was cut off by his gross hand on my shoulder.

"This here is my floor. You'll follow my rules." My shoulders tighten.


"If you wonder off to someone else's floor, then I won't be able to do anything to you myself."

"Creepy ass bitch, let her go!" I heard Y/N's voice along with a loud banging on the door. She's trying to break in.

"Y/n..." I whispered to myself.

"All I wanted was to keep you and your beautiful peepers. I keep yours for as along as I live."

"Doctor don't do this... please don't."

"Take mine instead. Just don't hurt her!" I heard Y/N banging on the door, with what I believe was a meatal chair?

"Sadly that's no longer an option, they're filled with fear and anger! Rachels aren't as tainted as yours, so they'll do." I looked behind me, Dr. Danny's tounge reaching all the way to his neck. I shivered, quickly I tried to back up a bit, but the door was too close. I was defenseless. I tried to quickly put my hands together to pray

"Y/N please save me."I whispered to myself as I look up. I slightly gasped. Dr. Danny's fake eye... it's horrifying. His both red and green eyes smushed together.

"It's alright, your eyes will be kept safe, it won't be tainted anymore it will be pure again. I'll be removing them from your skull." All I could hear was a breaking chair. I tried to see if the door was open for a quick escape. Dr. Danny quickly jumped on top of me, trying to restrain me. I tried to fight back but, nothing.

"DR. DANNY LET ME GO!" I yelled trying to kick him. I was pinned on to the surgery table. He was holding me, I couldnt move my hands and legs. I closed my eyes to not look at him.

"I'm just as upset as you are!" He licked his cheek. "You forgot about me. You left me. You went after someone else, and if thats not bad enough you forgot yourself!"

"Dr. don't please don't." I said trying to escape his grasp.

"Listen, at the very least, do you remember why you're here? Why all of this is happening to you?" I slowly shook my head in response. His eyes turned seductive. "Be a good girl and show my your beautiful blue eyes. You can live with me you know?"

"Dr. Danny I don't want too." I said closing my eyes as I covered my face.

"You keep refusing me every time. But no matter what I'll keep your eyes in my life. I love them. It's better then any one else's in this world, It's better then any other pair." I looked at him.

"Let me go." I told him with a serious tone. "I need to go back to my family. I also need Y/N to be free with me."

"Is that all you really want? You'll see them really soon with Y/N will come along. Very soon my dear." I slightly gasped looking at him with a suprised look. "I'll be happy to reunite you to your parents and with Y/N!" He smiled.

"Really?" I asked hopefully. Seconds later I was scared, shaking. His face was horrifying again.

"You'll see them all in hell!" He smiled. "Y/N will join right after you!"

"You mean they've..." a drop of water fell onto my cheeks.

"Now, to collect those peepers." He started to laugh. "BEAUTIFUL! That's more like it! You're eyes are even more bewitched then ever! Please Rachel stay with me! I'VE BEEN SO UNBEARABLE LONEY!" He was cut off by a slash. A liquid fell on my face.

"Damn. It's you." Danny was saying. He's bleeding a lot. Was it...

"Y/N?" I looked up not worried about the blood. All I heard was laughter. The same as the one from B-6. It's him isn't it? He stepped on Dr. Danny's body.

"Bad luck Danny! You were way to fucking happy! How was I s'posed to resist not cutting you down?!" He smiled. He bent down looking at me. " Hey kiddo! Remember me? I bent if you knew this fucking creepy was up here you would've kept your ass down stairs!" He chuckled. "Where's your friend?" He asked. "Not gonna are you? Welp I'll find her later. So if ya wanna live you should start runnin'. He started to walk closer to he along with his syth. "You can struggle as much as you want. Just don't give up any hope kiddo!" He raised his syth aiming at me. "GET READY, ILL GET YA RIGHT HERE!" He laughed the syth was inches away from me. I didnt move. I was so tired of everything. "Huh? What kind of face is that!?" He complained "do you even give a damn that I'm about to rip your guts out? Ok, look you little weirdo I'm a grown-ass man you understand? I'm not the type that gets his jollies from outta cuttin up dolls." I heard something. I looked in front of me. Y/N? She's holding a pin, she most likely used that to open the door with. She had a scared expression. She looked over seeing Dr. Danny's dead body, blood splashed everywhere.

"Rachel!?" She yelled. I looked at her. She was petrified staring at the 'grown ass man' that's holding the syth near my neck. She ran to my side towards me. He watched her, smiling.

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