Not Again (15)

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Darryl Pov:

(A/N Bro he might be the main character at this point-)

Surely enough, Thursday came around sooner than I thought.

After going home from Nicks house I just laid in bed, doing nothing until night came. But even though I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep. I felt so much empathy for Nick that I was hurting for him.

Poor Nick, Poor Karl...

I ended up falling asleep at 4am, which would mean I would only be getting 2 hours of sleep.

When my alarm woke me up, I hit snooze.

And fell back asleep.

The second alarm went off, *Bring! Bring! Bring!*

It went off for a while, until I got so annoyed to the point where I just turned it off.

I got dressed, and headed off to my bus stop.

To be honest, I don't really know what clothes I put on, I was way to drowsy and sleepy. My eyes could barley open.

I got to the bus on time, luckily.

And before I knew it, I was back at school.

Before the bell rang, Nick came up to me.

"Hey," he said calmly. "Could you know, not tell anyone about Karl? I wouldn't want them to be sad. I'll just make up an excuse instead of telling them that he, y'know.." Nick trailed off.

He's so selfless. He's really thinking about others, at a time like this. He would rather them not be sad, when he is hurting.

"I won't, don't worry," I responded.

"Thank you by the way," he smiled. Well, tried to. He was grateful, I could tell. But still sad.

"Your welcome, but you really don't have to thank me."

"No, thank you," he started. "Thank you so much, you really did make me feel better. Thank you for looking out for me. And thank you for making me happier about this whole situation," He finished.

"...your welcome," I gave him a quick hug and then the bell rang.

We both headed off to our classes.

I actually didn't bump in to Alex, or Tommy.

Maybe they are busy.

I got in to class, and laid my head down on my desk, after sitting down on it.

Today was gonna be a long school day.

Or so I thought.

I woke up, in the classroom, but when I opened my eyes it was dark.

Why is it dark?

I lifted up my head and looked around.

When did I even fall asleep?!

I must have during advisory.

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