Normal Day 2 (2)

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Zak Pov:

I woke up pretty late. It was 7am already so I only had 30 minutes to get ready and walk to school.

I hurriedly got up and stumbled out of my bed.

I put on my clothes quickly, even though they were stylish. Well, that's what people say at least. People always say that my outfits are amazing and that I'm super stylish.

I put on black jeans with rips in them, a light teal shirt with pink sleeves, that was tucked into my jeans. I also wore a white choker.

I ran downstairs, already wearing my backpack that looked quite a bit like a satchel. And put on my shoes that were white. They were pretty expensive as my family is a bit rich. But not like rich rich you know? Just enough to get by and treat ourselves.

Even though they aren't home often, but I know they love me. I think? I don't really know what love is.

I quickly hurried to school, but luckily I live pretty close to it so I could get there in time. I even had 5 minutes to spare. As soon as I walked inside my friend Caroline ran up to me, though she goes my Cara. She was yelling at me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She was screaming at me.

"I was waiting so long for you!!" She actually sounded upset.

"I'm sorry! I slept in late, I'll wake up early tomorrow, it's only Tuesday!" I said, trying to reassure her.

Just then the bell rang.

"Sorry I gotta go, see you at lunch though! Right?" I asked Cara.

"Mhm yeah cya!" Cara replied.

I ran to my class as I wanted to be early, I am never ever early, I'm always late. I had advisory, so I went to the classroom that was in.

I ran, becoming out of breath, but after all that I wasn't even the first one. There was already a few other kids in the classroom.

"Good morning, Zak." My teacher told me.

"Oh, morning" I replied back, setting my backpack down.

All the teacher did was talk about stuff that was happening around the school. She mentioned a dance at one point, but I didn't think much of it, as I didn't really have anyone to go with. I mean I have a few friends, but no "romantic" partner to go with.

The teacher kept on talking, asking how we were doing, talking about our school shop, and clubs we could join. The usual. This is how advisory is every morning, it's just a class to talk in, it's not that important. And it's only 30 minutes long.

The second bell rang to go to 1st period, all of the kids got up and walked out the door. I was one of the last ones to leave, I want very excited for my next class, it was PE. I only have PE every other day but it still sucks every time.

I made my way to the changing room and got into my PE uniform. Luckily, it was raining, so we didn't have to go outside. We did warm ups, ran a few laps around the gym, played catch, and talked about how you could eat healthier. Borrrinnggg I just wanna go home.

I asked my teacher if I could use the washroom, I don't really know why. I didn't really have to go. I walked into the washroom, and used it even though I didn't have to. And I went to wash my hands.

As I was washing my hands, another boy walked in to go. Awkwaaard, I thought, giggling in my mind. I don't know why I found that funny.

I was walking back to class and as I was walking the third bell rang, so I quickly ran back to PE and grabbed my bag.

I made it to my next class, which was math. I was already failing in math so I didn't really care anymore. Halfway through math the bell for lunch rang. Yessss!

I ran to lunch and found Cara sitting at a table by herself, I didn't know what it was for lunch, so I didn't get any. I just sat with her.

"Hey!" I said, sitting down.

"Oh hey." Cara replied.

"What's for lunch?" I asked Cara.

"Oh it's pizza and a sugar cookie, but there's other options." She told me.

"Oh shoot, really?! I'll be right back." I decided to get lunch anyways.

It sounded good okay? And I wasn't not hungry, I just thought the food would be gross. But our schools pizza is good, and I like sugar the cookies too.

I got my food, and some chocolate milk, and headed back to Cara. I noticed someone else sitting with her.

"I'm back," I told her. I saw the kid she was sitting with, it was a tall kid, but I didn't know who he was.

"Hey Zak, this is Ranboo." She told me.

"Hello." Ranboo said.

"Oh hi!" I said, excited to make a new friend.

We all sat together and talked, we had a good time and I liked Ranboo. He said he was friends with Cara, but they didn't hang out often. And that his other friend didn't show up that day so he was here with us. I mean at least he likes us. I thought.

"LANGUAGE!" I heard someone scream from the other side of the cafeteria.

I jumped, and turned to see who it was. Hmm. There was a kid who looked ticked off looking at a guy wearing a beanie who was waving his hands in front of him to try and apologize. Annoying. I thought. I didn't like it when someone tried to control others.

I enjoyed the rest of my lunch and talked with Cara and Ranboo a bit more before lunch was over. Break was boring, just standing outside in the cold. The bell for break to be over rang.

And I went back to math.

And part 2 is done! Word count is 1018, have a good day/night! <3

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