That Dreaded Argument

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Chapter Forty-Two

Monday 9th August ~ 13:47 ~ full moon

Everyone awoke the next morning fully rested and feeling very peaceful. The summer sun streamed through the high windows, beating down into the room and lighting up the lawns outside the house as the light rain pour made it glisten.

Rosie yawned and stretched loudly, sitting up and looking around to find a letter had been dropped on her duvet while she was asleep. She picked it up and opened the little envelope, taking out the parchment. Her eyes widened as she read over it, and her breaths began to shallow. She threw the parchment down and jumped up, looking at the clock in the corner.

"Everybody up!" she shouted, making her friends jolt awake.

"What?" Sirius grumbled, squinting in the light.

"They're coming back early!" she yelled, slapping her hands to her cheeks. "They'll be here in ten minutes!"

"Shit!" Remus yelped, jumping up but getting tangled in his covers and tripping up, landing on Sirius's knees.

"Get up!" James ordered like a military general, looking around at everyone. "Get your stuff packed and clear up! Go! Go! Go!"

Everybody stood up, rubbing their eyes but rushing about the room nonetheless, picking up duvets, pillows and stray possessions before dashing up the stairs and chucking them into the correct rooms.

The boys and girls separated into different rooms and shoved their spare changes of clothes on, not bothering to brush their teeth or have a wash, before they all jumped down the stairs and back towards the fireplace in the living room.

Too late.

Just as Peter stepped into the green flames after Frank had disappeared, the front door opened, and the sound of shoes clicking on the wooden floor right towards the room everyone was standing in.

"Uh oh," Marlene said, gripping her wand tightly.

Peter swore under his breath and then said his address, waving awkwardly before the flames licked at him and whisked him away. He left right before the doorknob twisted, and Amelie Artois walked in, cradling her newborn son. She looked around the room, spotting the Halfbloods and Muggleborns and her nostrils flared with rage.

"Ruslan!" she shrieked, and Rosie's father walked into the room, looking at her irritably before he, too, saw the sixteen-year-olds looking at him with wide eyes. "Take Benjamin."

Ruslan nodded and took the small child before striding out of the room. 

As he went to close the door, Charles walked past him with a small bag in his hands, "Mamon, is Roisin upstairs? I wanted to give this- oh."

Rosie looked at her brother pleadingly, but he just looked between his mother and sister, shrugging helplessly when he couldn't figure out what to do. All he could think to say was a small "Evans?" under his breath.

"Leave," Amelie hissed at him, and he nodded, taking one last glance at his sister before closing the door behind him. "Get out," she said through gritted teeth, looking each of the teenagers in the eyes. They all looked down to the ground before grabbing their bags and heading towards the fireplace, picking up a handful of Floo powder before they all rushed to get into the flames.

James stayed put, lifting up his wand and standing with his arm protectively in front of Rosie's stomach. "Don't touch her."

"Don't worry, boy, I won't," Amelie smirked slimily as she lifted her own wand. "Now, follow your friends and leave."

Forever and a Day ~ James PotterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora