James Bloody Potter

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Chapter Two


A few more hours of travelling had gone by and the candles on the train had just magically lit themselves as the sun finally began to settle itself just below tops of the tall Scottish mountains leading up to Hogsmeade Village. Lily had joined her friends again for a while but informed that that after lunch she would be needed back at the Prefect carriage to fulfil the rest of her duties, and by this time, Rosie was just heading back from the toilet dressed in her shirt, skirt, socks and red and gold tie, having left her robes back in the compartment with the other girls to put them on only when she needed to.

She was just passing the final compartment before getting to the one her friends were sitting in when something caught her eye from up ahead and she stopped walking. Lily was huffing and puffing quite dramatically as she practically stomped her way hurriedly along the train, and behind her was Rosie's brother, once again trying to get Lily to listen one of his terrible jokes or remarks or whatever he had decided would work this time.

After a second of Rosie snickering at the sight in front of her, Lily spotted her friend standing there and sent her a desperate look, but Rosie only chuckled louder and shook her head as she opened the door to her compartment and walked back in, not looking through the glass before she did. When she finally did take note of the changes in the compartment, her smile quickly vanished, seeing who was waiting inside.

Taking up the entire left side of the compartment – and by proxy stopping Rosie from being able to sit back down and pretend she couldn't see them - were the four most infamously known Gryffindor boys of Hogwarts, including the brashest of them all, James bloody Potter.

Positioned right next to the window in Rosie's spot was a small boy called Peter Pettigrew, begging Marlene for one of her cauldron cakes as she sported a look as if to say she was going to smack him. Mary was scoffing and rolling her eyes as she reached down into her own bag and gave Peter a muggle chocolate bar, which he looked at a little suspiciously before shrugging and beginning to unwrap it.

Peter was the second quietest of the boys and definitely the least well-known by other students, but still very annoying if he wanted to be as his slight and innocent demeanour left plenty of room for him to come up with cunning plans without any professors suspecting a thing. A number of people felt sorry seeing him being teased by his other friends sometimes, though other Gryffindors knew he could talk back with twice the insult of any of the other boys. His hair was thin and usually a little oily, and he was the shortest boy of the four, being around two or three inches shorter than Rosie, but she supposed he was nice enough most of the time.

Next to him sat the only real tolerable boy of the group, Remus Lupin. Rosie had sought out Lupin in her first year and attempted to ask him about his scars after spotting him in the train station, but she'd usually just received a moody or sarcastic response from him as he stalked off and stuck his nose in a book. Eventually, she and Lily had figured out that he had lycanthropy in their third year and, although a little disappointed she couldn't relate to him about their scars, was happy that he didn't just hate her. Remus had grown yet again over the holidays and was now at least six foot one. His golden-brown, curly hair fell into his eyes as he hunched over a copy of 'Little Women' that Rosie had sent him a few days prior.

Then there was Sirius black. Oh, the things people thought about Sirius Black. He was the ultimate heart throb of Hogwarts, falling second only to Remus Lupin. His hair was almost shoulder length, and his face was still as captivating as it was the first time she had got a glimpse of him.

His mother happened to be very close with her own, so she had seen quite a bit of him over the summer holidays compared to her other friends as the two women had forced all of their children to travel across the country via Floo Network to visit one another. Rosie had recently become relatively close with Sirius, she had accidentally opened up to him about a horrible incident with her mother in fourth year. Though, even since first year he had made it no secret that if she didn't have such an intolerance for James, he would have happily been friends with her because of their similar family history.

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