Remus's Request

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Sunday 28th March 1976 ~ 09:56 ~ waning moon

Rosie awoke from a dreamless sleep, not wanting to open her eyes because she could already feel the bright sunlight seeping through the curtains and onto her delicate eyelids. Her head hurt, but she didn't mind because she was in the perfect sleeping position; on her front with her elbows crossed and her head rested between the gap in her arms.

She took a deep breath in and sighed peacefully before frowning when she smelt an unfamiliar scent. She also realised that she was sleeping on something much firmer than her mattress. Whatever she was lying on was also moving steadily up and down. Slowly, Rosie opened one eye and peeked through her eyelid, looking up to see the sleeping face of James Potter. Jumping, she sat up straight, grabbing her aching forehead as she did so. James groaned then, turning over to check the bedside table for a clock.

"Who took my table?" he muttered groggily in a worried tone, stretching as he sat up as well.

"The bedside table's on the left side," Rosie said flatly, folding her arms.

James whipped around, and his eyes widened when it hit him that he wasn't in his own bed. He slapped his hand over his face when he saw Rosie, not wanting to look like a weirdo.

"Calm down," she said. "I am wearing pyjamas."

"Sorry," James muttered, lowering his hand and squinting. Rosie reached over to her bedside table, where James had put his glasses the previous night, and grabbed them, handing them over to the boy.

"And I thought your hair was a mess during the day," she joked, pointing at his head.

He ran a hand through it nervously, flexing his arm a little out of habit. He caught Rosie smirking as he did it and dropped his arm down, yawning, "What time is it?"

"Erm..." Rosie looked over at Alice's nightstand, squinting to read the time. "Almost ten."

"Oh no!" James said, looking out of the window. "I should be on the Quidditch pitch!"

"What?" Rosie frowned. "Mar usually leaves at this time."

"I always get some extra training in beforehand. I'm going for Quidditch Captain after Frank leaves," James explained.

"Wow," Rosie said. "I'd put some of that effort into showing up to your lessons on time in the future."

James rolled his eyes and stood up, "Let's wake everybody up so I can finally open my presents."

"Oh, yeah! I forgot you still hadn't done that!" Rosie said excitedly, standing up as well. She grabbed one of her pillows and walked over to Lily, pausing before whacking her over the head with it.

"Ow!" the girl gasped loudly, sitting up and glaring at her giggling friend. "What was that for?"

"James wants to open his presents," Rosie shrugged, walking over to Marlene while James went to wake up the two boys. Lily nodded and got out of bed as well, putting on her slippers while she re-made the bedding.

"Wakey, wakey," James said sweetly, stroking Sirius's hair.

"Piss off, Prongs," Sirius grumbled, grabbing the pillow and trying to put it over his face but failing due to Remus's head also lying in the way.

"Oi!" Remus said, smacking Sirius on the chest. "I was sleeping."

"Sorry, Moons," Sirius yawned, looking around at James. "Why'd you wake us up at this ungodly hour?"

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