Getting Tipsy

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Chapter Thirty-Four


The five girls arrived at the tapestry on the seventh floor, and Lily decided to attempt to get into the party while Marlene checked her watch.

"See, Rosie?" she shoved her wrist into her friend's face. "It's just been seven o'clock. Nobody will be there."

"It'spretty much five past," Rosie argued stubbornly. "And it started at seven."

"When someone says something starts at seven, they really mean to be there half an hour later," Mary said, shaking her head at the two girls.

"Really?" Rosie said, thinking about the parties she'd been to before. "Whenever my family throws a party-"

"You're really taking party advice from your family?" Marlene interrupted, folding her arms. "Trust me. We are not late."

"All right," Rosie said begrudgingly, looking over at Lily, who had just managed to get the door to appear.

"Ready, everyone?" she asked, smiling.

"Ready," the other four nodded before linking arms and pushing the door open.

There was music on, and the lights had been dimmed to add some ambience to the party, along with some magical coloured lights, but Marlene was right. Nobody was there but the four Marauders and now the other fifth year Gryffindor girls.


When the boys had arrived, they made sure the room provided everything it could for the party and then rushed down to the kitchens to get food and drinks. Sirius and Remus had brought some alcohol with them and placed the bottles on the table, earning a disapproving look from James. He didn't bother lecturing them on underage drinking since he knew that other students would find a way to get drinks in there anyway.

After ten minutes, Remus checked his watch and told them it was around five past, so they all grabbed a drink and some food (under the orders of James) and sat down in one of the seats that had appeared at the side of the room, waiting for somebody to arrive.

Just as they had started a conversation about what James might get for his birthday, they heard the door open and stood up excitedly to greet their first guests. James walked over behind Sirius and Peter, next to Remus. The room had been set up so that people had to walk down a few steps before they saw the room for dramatic effect, and so they stood in a line, seeing the five fifth year Gryffindor girls.

James's jaw practically dropped onto the floor when he saw Rosie. She looked absolutely stunning; he'd never actually seen her wear tight clothes before, let alone fishnets and an uncharacteristically short skirt. When they made eye contact, he coughed and gave the group a friendly smile.

"Welcome to the party of the year!" Sirius greeted, throwing his hands up in the air as the girls reached them. "Come on, let's get you fed and watered. Alice is looking far too thin."

"Party of the year?" Rosie scoffed as she reached Remus and James while Peter and Sirius led Marlene, Mary and Alice towards the other side of the room.

"Don't get me started," James said breathlessly, trying his absolute hardest not to stare at her like a weirdo.

"Where do we put these?" Lily asked, looking between the two for a second before turning to Remus. "I'm assuming you're the sensible one?"

"You put them over there," Remus pointed to a table in the corner where three bags sat. "And no, I'm not the sensible one."

"Don't be so humble, Remus," Lily smiled girlishly. "The only other possible option is Peter, and that's pushing it."

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