Chapter 32. 'The Letter.'

Start from the beginning

"Vineet Khurrana's daughter is finally back to her family. According to the sources and the pictures of their last night's family party confirm the news."

The news reporter reads the news and the pictures of last night's party show up on the screen with Nishi Khurrana in the background.

"How come the news of her arrival revealed today? Just after what happened last night?" Aniket asks everyone without looking up from the screen.

"What do you mean?" Karan asks plainly.

Aniket looks up at him and asks looking around his friends, "I mean, just last night all that happened. Nishi threatened Avni Di and now this news. . ." He trails off.

"Don't tell me Ketu Bhai that you are doubting on Avni Di beacause of this coincidence." Vaani says rolling her eyes hearing his words.


"Shoot your "But"! Don't you remember how Avni Di used to give us treats whenever she would get some free time or she would achieve something when we were in 12th? She used to cook by herself knowing well we all love her cooking." Amol says it himself.

"Not just that. She even tried to talk to us when we four caught into Tripti's trap at that time. She did not know what's the truth but she still tried to guide us right, tried to stop you guys from leaving the town, always wanting tge best for us. We have always been like her younger brothers. Did you already forget all her love and care for us when we were not even blood related?" Nakul asks him.

"Sorry. I guess, I got distracted." Aniket says in a small voice.

"Not your fault, Ketu. That w*tch can manipulate anyone!" Nihaal says looking around the canteen and finds that Nishi was nowhere to be seen.

"Nihaal! No matter what, don't forget you are talking about a kid! Don't talk like that!" Darsh scolds with a frown.

"He is right. Be mature." Pragya says.

"Sorry." Nihaal apologises realising that the teenagers were looking at him with slightly wide eyes at his choice of words.

"Leave all this. Did you guys hear? Our college won the football tournament held in Delhi again!" Akshita says and they all squeal.


No one gives a glance to her as the rumours spread like fire in the town.

Days go like this and days turn into weeks. They start hating her to the extent due to the rumours that she actually did everything just to make sure that they all come to her side and help her later in throwing Avni out of her house.


At Rajveer's House 🏠 :

Nikita's heart was not believing what has been going on for last one and a half month. Somewhere, hearing Vihaan and his Parents' words in the party, it hurted her a lot than needed. She wanted to talk to Nishi at any cost but in the school, her friends wouldn't leave her for even a second. She knows that the elders will invite her for sure for Arika's birthday party. So, she thought to meet her there.

Ones the cake was cut, it was being served. Nikita was standing near the swimming pool with a brightly smiling Arika and her friends. Arika was on cloud nine as she gets to celebrate her birthday the way her family used to do for her. Her last few birthdays were not so good as hardly anyone came to her party from the school due to her previous version. She was also a bit emotional realising that it was her friends' idea to give her a surprise last night at 12 in the morning. From Akriti, Garima to Nikita and Antrika, all were there to surprise her and it was worth it when she grinned with true happiness in her eyes while playing with them and running after her brother to play cake holi. She cried a lot getting the surprise after such long time and getting to have such beautiful time with her friends and family. Her happiness had no end when Rajveer gifted her her favourite blue coloured lehenga which was designed by the best fashion designer of fashion industry and also a painting of hers when she was a toddler. She was shocked to realise that he not remembered her favoutire colour but was so thoughtful about her painting gift. It touched her heart that she hugged him forgetting every wound and Rajveer felt surprised, emotional, happy and sad that he could not help her earlier, he could not understand her that well. He was guilty for sure but he was determined now to never let a single tear come in her eyes. He just hugged her back caressing her hair softly.

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