Josh's Birthday

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2 weeks after Josh and Mayas last conversation on the terms of their long game it was now Joshs birthday. Kind of a sad day for Maya as she felt like she was again, so much further away from him with him turning 19 and her being only 16. Josh threw a little party at his college dorm and invited Maya, Riley, Lucas, Zay, Farkle and Smackle too. He would have just invited Maya and Riley but he figured the girls would probably feel more comfortable having their friends with them, especially after the last time they went on a college party.

Maya went over to Josh with her arms open, „hey there handsome uncle boing, happy birthday."
Josh was laughing at her comment while pulling her into a hug „and just so you know, it might be your birthday but it's a sad day for me and you know why." she added.

„I know, Maya, I know and I won't say it out loud", he replied jokingly. „But see it that way, every year the 3 years gap will matter less and less."
While slowly pulling away she responds with a smirk, „always encouraging, you're such a Matthews.".

Josh was super happy that Maya and everyone else came aswell and he went over and talked to the rest of the friend group.

The same girls Maya had met at the college hangout when she was 14 where there aswell and they immediately connected with each other again. „Maya, is that you?" one of the girls said, „wow, girl you look so beautiful and grown up, I can't believe it's been 2 years already."

„yeah", said the other girl „if you haven't given up on Josh then you're already halfway through".

Maya replied „you guys have a good memory, how do you still know about this? Have you talked to Josh?"

„Well, said Sofia, we have gotten to know Josh a bit more since he started college and we are good friends, so we talk. He actually told us what happened at the Ski lodge and that he told you he likes you. We are glad that he is already smart enough to see what an amazing girl you are, Maya."

„Yeah but who knows what's gonna happen in the future and I am still 3 years away from him, so."

Even though Maya and Josh had such a great conversation two weeks ago and it was obvious how much Josh cared about her, she still didn't want to believe Josh truly liked her. And if she didn't expect it to happen she can't be that hurt afterwards, she thought.

Ray replied „hmm you think worse about yourself than you should, Maya. You should hold on to what you wish for, Josh really cares about you I mean why would he even bother to tell us about you if it wasn't true?"

„yeah, maybe you're right, it just feels weird that all these years I felt like a groupie for holding on to Josh the way I did and annoying him and suddenly he actually likes me? It feels like a dream and maybe I just really need to get used to the idea that he actually does like me like that."

Sophia smirked „if he doesn't then call me crazy" she slightly points towards Josh while he was still talking to Mayas friends constantly looking over to Maya.

Maya just blushed „okay change of subject" she chuckled.

The night moved on and the friends had a really good time together with dancing, talking to college people and playing games. Josh enjoyed getting to know Maya in this environment with some close friends of his and her friends from Highschool. He grew more fond of her throughout the evening but he always made sure she wouldn't notice it so much because he wanted to protect her heart. After all, it was still a long time up til someday.

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