Interval 04: Raw Shock

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F.3.A.R. Elite - Interval 04: "Raw Shock"

Koyuki arrives on time, rejoining Daniel's squad. A call from the radio has been received.

Koyuki: I'm here.
Johann: Koyuki, you're in time. Despite a bit late, have you save some civilians?
Koyuki: Yes.

*radio call*

Mimori (Radio): Rhinestone Bravo, report.
Daniel: Colonel Dinglasan, reporting.
Johann: Brigade General, reporting. What's the sitrep, commander?
Mimori (Radio): Listen closely. This situation has gone urgently critical. The paranormal phenomenon that's tearing up the city you're seeing is called the "Demonverse".
Koyuki: "Demonverse"?
Mimori (Radio): It's an alternate dream-like reality that is twisted and corrupted by merging with the real world's reality. You need to stabilize it, there is a experimental Telestethic Amplification Psionic Harmonizer at the airport.
First, some of the main roads are blocked or deformed. You have to go through the shopping mall in Toasa, that is close to it. From there, it should be a short distance walk before you reach the airport. Once you're in, get to the Harmonizer and go inside the control tower. We're going back to our main mission, we must shut TETRACORP down.
Johann: Damn right, we are. Squad, time to go. Koyuki, you go on ahead.

25 minutes later
Toasa Business District
Nabuka, Japan

"Kiminami Shopping Mall - What You Need Is Right Here!"

Inside the shopping mall, almost all of the stores are trashed or abandoned, some are closed down. The loss of innocence greatly dominates this place.

As they move forward, a set of spotlights in the area are on.

Johann: Multiple hostiles up ahead. D, toss a flashbang.

Daniel pulls the pin and tosses the flashbang.


Corporate Soldier 1: Flashbang!

*flash distortion*

The soldiers clash against each other, trading gunfire by gunfire.
Corporate forces were overwhelmed.

Further inside the mall, at the left wing atrium, there are bloody paintings and figures.

*inhumane snarling*

Mimori (Radio): I'm reading multiple hostile signals in your area. They are not soldiers.
Daniel: Those voices.... It's them.
Johann: "Them"?
Daniel: Occultists. Hostile civilians driven insane by the psychic influence. They never listen to human reasoning, not even a single word.
Mimori (Radio): So the influence of the Homunculi also drives the human brain to insanity... This is terrible..

*footsteps running*

An occultist tries to knock him out with a crowbar, only to get parried.
Daniel striked back with the combat knife.

The group of occultists appears in front of them, angry and snarling. Many of them appear with firearms taken from fallen corporate or government forces, including dead clones.

They shoot them down as they clash against the cult.

After a firefight, their enemy has fallen.

Daniel and the team moved out, Koyuki is at the rooftop section of the mall.

Daniel: Koyuki, how's it going from up there?
Koyuki (Radio): Clear. The exit is just up ahead.

Daniel goes inside the security room, and finds Kano along with Koyuki.

Daniel: Ripple.
Kano: You need to see this. I've been digging through the data files I hacked from TETRACORP. This Harmonizer device is capable of stabilizing the dimensions between the real world and other dimensional planes.
Johann: Already knew that.
Kano: Not only that. It's also capable of detecting supernatural animated forms or entities that can't be seen nor heard by ordinary humans. If we use this, we could get the location of the Homunculi from wherever it is hiding.
Daniel: Sounds like a high possibility, since we need to hunt it down.
Kano: Me and Snow White will go ahead. We'll help you along the way. The airport is just up ahead.

They move out as they are closing in to their main objective.

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