Silva closed his eyes. "Come with me."

Silva stood up, walking past Killua and out of the office. To no one's surprise, Kikyo was outside the office and waiting for them. She had hurried over as soon as she knew Killua was home.

"What's going on?" she asked. "Killua, are you back home for good?"

"No," he said. "I'm here for Alluka."

"Why do you want to see that thing?" Kikyo fretted, fanning herself.

"Alluka is not a thing," Killua snapped. "She's family."

"It is an uncontrollable weapon that has indiscriminately killed many of our servants," Kikyo refuted. "You are our precious son, we cannot justify putting you at risk. Why now? What has you so desperate?"

"It's for Miwa," he said. "She's really sick. I need Alluka's power to save her."

Kikyo stopped fanning herself. She turned to Silva. "Father...?"

"I will allow Killua to see it."

"I need Alluka to come with me," Killua sharply cut in.

"I did not agree to that," Silva coldly rejected.

"How sick is Miwa...?" Kikyo quietly inquired.

"She'll—She'll die without Alluka," Killua explained.

An uncomfortable silence fell between the three.

"Father," Kikyo said quietly, softly. "I am the Mother. I handle the logistics. I weigh the risks and advantages for each mission." She slowly closed her fan. "I dislike this. I dislike this very much. Killua... you say that thing is a member of this family? Let me ask you: can you control it? Can you guarantee your safety?"

"Yes," Killua promised. "Alluka is a good girl."

"Swear it," she said. "Swear that thing will not do more harm than good in being freed."

"I swear. M... Mother, please." Killua bowed his head to her.

Kikyo shifted her weight side to side, wringing at her fan. She chewed on her bottom lip, plainly distressed.

"I dislike this. I dislike this so very much," she said. "You must be accompanied by the butlers. You must stay in contact with me. You must prioritize your safety above all. Agree to those things and—and you can take that thing with you."

"Kikyo—" Silva started to say, but Kikyo let out a shriek.

"Do you have an alternative?" she demanded. "Our son would find a way, he always does! Always, always, always finds a way around us. I want him safe. I want her safe. I want them safe. I hate this—I hate this very much—so if you have a better idea I—am—all—ears—but—if—you—do—not—then—shut—up."

Silva remained quiet, his expression was unreadable.

Most of the time Kikyo was someone who deferred to her husband to family matters. That was because she was someone who tended to get irrational and emotionally distressed when dealing with her family. She did not know love outside of control and suffocation, so she did not know how to handle her emotions when she wanted to do things outside that. A part of her felt instinctively protective of her children, but that part had become warped and twisted from the abuse faced in Meteor City, coupled with the assassination business she ran.

But when it came to business, Silva deferred to Kikyo. Kikyo had a sharp mind under that insanity and could be a frightful tactician to their enemies.

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