"Lots of reasons," he answered, not really wanting to get involved with that conversation. He held up his hand, palm-flat, as a gesture for Neferpitō to stop.

The cat-ant paused, their tail flicking side to side.

"Stay here," he said. "Do you remember the signal?"

"Mm-hmm," said the cat-ant.

One way or another Killua was taking Alluka out of there. If his parents would not let Alluka go without a fight, then he'd use Neferpitō to distract and create an opening.

Neferpitō's ears twitched. "See you soon, boy."

Killua turned back around and waved as he continued to head inside.

He did not waste any time. He moved with speed and purpose as he entered his home and went directly to his father's office. His father's office was kept in the far back of the house where Silva spent a lot of time meditating. The room was kept cold with harsh blue and white lights that made it difficult to see for normal people.

Killua opened the door, marching in with a purpose.

"Let me see Alluka," said Killua. "I need her power."


"I don't have time," snapped Killua. He stiffened, quickly recollecting himself. He felt so sick to his stomach he could throw up. He wouldn't—his self-discipline was too good—but he was undoubtedly on edge. He forced his voice to even out as he coolly said, "I'll go even if you try to stop me, so come with me."

"It's useless. No one can control Alluka."

"That's wrong!" Killua said, trying—and failing—to keep the anger out of his tone. His mounting anxiety gnawed at him like a starved hound that caught the scent of fresh meat. "You're all wrong. Alluka's a part of this family, she isn't a machine. As her brother, I'm asking her for help."

"For help, huh...?" Silva spoke slowly, firmly, as he said, "That child is not human. You shouldn't consider that thing to be a member of the family."

That was too much.

His stress, coupled with how cruelly his father was insulting his youngest sibling devoured what little patience Killua had left.

Killua's entire body shifted into a defensive posture. His nen unconsciously leaked out of him along with his murderous desire.

Killua had always respected his father.

But at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to slice his throat open.

'That's what you trained me to do, isn't it? To kill anyone who gets in my way? You're in my way. You're in my way.'

Killua's cold blue eyes stared at his father. Even if he was furious, he knew better than to immediately attack Silva. Especially since Silva had made no move to switch to a defensive posture.

'He doesn't see me as a threat.'

"That thing," Silva continued to speak slowly, "is something that came from somewhere else."

'He doesn't underst—'

Killua recalled the day he left to adventure with Gon and Miwa.

Silva had bitten his thumb, drawing blood. He held out his hand to Killua and solemnly said, "Promise me one thing. Never betray your friends."

Killua felt his fury soften.

He bit his thumb and held out his hand to his father. "Only Alluka can save Miwa now. If I ignore a friend I have the ability to help, wouldn't I be betraying her?"

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