The Castle of Fyrien

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Third POV

Gwen was pulled by Mauve and entered Morgana's chambers to see her talking to Kylynn with concern on her face. "What's going on?" Gwen asked.

"Gwen do you have any other relatives, someone named Elyan?" Morgana asked in hesitance. Gwen nodded and looked more concerned, then Arthur and Merlin walked in as Gwen asked, "Yes, Elyan's my brother," she said.

Morgana took a second and reached for Gwen, "Cendred and Morgause have Elyan," she revealed. They watched as Gwen's face crumbled and she started sobbing, Morgana pulling her into a hug, "Do you know where they are?" Merlin asked.

"The Castle of Fyrien, they plan on taking Gwen tonight and use her brother against her," Morgana said. "They know you'll come back, and get him and bring Arthur with. I am too let her know and signal where you are because I supposedly set off a tracker," she explained.

That night, Gwen was taken; she had a hidden tracker on her. She was faced with Cendred in a throne room, "Guinevere. I trust you had a pleasant journey."

"Why have you brought me to this place?" Gwen demanded.

"I have a guest. I thought you might like to meet him," Cendred said. Elyan was pulled out into the room, "Elyan!" Gwen called.

"Gwen!" Elyan called back.

The two were put into the dungeons, "I didn't do anything. I promise. I swear. I was at my forge and they just came for me. I tried to resist, but they drugged me. There was nothing I could do. What would a man like Cendred want with us?" Elyan had immediately ranted.

Gwen pulled her brother closer, "I need you to trust me, not all magic is bad just so you know, they think Morgause's half sister Morgana is on their side, but she's not, she's pretending. There are two other witches and a warlock that will help us along with Arthur," she whispered very quietly.

Arthur, Mauve, Merlin, Kylynn, and Leon left an hour after Gwen had been taken, Morgana would pretend they left without any warning. They quickly arrived at the castle and Kylynn, Arthur, and Merlin went to find the brother and sister while Mauve and Leon kept a look out. Merlin was magically knocking out guards and so was Kylynn while Arthur pointed out oncoming people. Merlin silenced the more problematic guards while Kylynn set them on fire. Mauve, was freezing heads and vocal cords while setting the rest of their bodies on fire. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Leon asked, seeing the little smirk on her face as he was throwing rocks at guards' heads. "Just a little bit," Mauve said although they knew it was more.

Gwen and Elyan were startled seeing men run through the dungeons on fire, although they couldn't hear them. Arthur was fighting some people as Merlin and Kylynn went and unlocked the door pulling the two out. They escaped without Morgause and Cendred even knowing. 

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