To Kill the King/ Le Morte d'Arthur

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Gwen POV

I had walked in after receiving a gift from my dad, to Morgana's chambers to be met with a solemn Morgana and Kylynn along with an upset Arthur. My smile disappeared, "Is it time?" I whispered. They all nodded, "You have the day off, make sure he knows he's forgiven, and that you love him," Morgana said and Arthur added, "There's a ten minute change in guards in about an hour, go and see him," he said.

"And it's okay to be angry at Arthur and to be depressed, just remember that," Kylynn said as I left to get ready to sneak in and see my dad. But first, of course, let Merlin know; while Arthur, Morgana, and Kylynn had to keep their act up about Tauren and how my father unfortunately got convinced to work with him.

Once the hour was up, I had snuck in to see him, "I didn't know Tauren was a sorcerer. I meant no harm, I swear," he immediately said. "Why didn't you tell me what was going on?" I asked him.

"I knew you wouldn't like it, Gwen. You're cautious. I didn't want to let an opportunity pass..." he said. I just wish it had been with one of the hidden magic users in Camelot, "Opportunity? You call this an opportunity?"

"I know. I've been a fool. I just wanted to make a better life for us. For you. I wanted to make you happy," he pleaded. "But I am happy! I don't need anything else. I have everything I want. But," I interrupted and he was about to open his mouth, "I forgive you, and I love you," I smiled at him. "I love you, my sweet daughter," I knew he had a feeling of what was coming. I walked back to where Gaius and Merlin were and explained what my dad had told me and Gaius offered for me to stay with him and Merlin for the day.

I was in and out of sleep but I heard alchemy being used in the conversation and that that kind of magic had woken Merlin, now that I think of it Morgana and Kylynn did look a bit tired, and Mauve fell asleep doing her morning routine. Morgana had come in and pretty much confirmed my dad would be executed; there was no hope of saving him.

Third POV

Merlin had visited Tom and somehow had given him a key, and Tom tried to escape, Arthur tried to stop Uther from immediately executing him, and to still give him a trial. But Uther wasn't having it and Tom was executed. "Noooooooo!" Gwen's cry was heard. She ran down to her father's body while Morgana, Kylynn, and Mauve watched on, "Did you know it would happen that way, is that why you told Gwen to go see her father when she did?" Mauve asked the other two, they both nodded, "We didn't want Gwen to know that bit, and hopefully not see him get killed or see his body," Morgana said.

Arthur had gone to apologize to Gwen, again, and to inform her that her job and home were safe. "Arthur!" Kylynn hurried over, Leon closely behind her, "Tauren is going to be at Gwen's home looking for the Ward stone that Morgana took and will threaten her with death," Kylynn gave him the necklace with Mauve's magic again to protect him, and Leon ran after him as he sped off to find Tauren while Morgana held off Gwen. "Tauren," Arthur said when a blade was shielded away from him from the magic of his necklace. "Oh, the son of the magic hating king, has used magic, oh what will Camelot do?" Tauren taunted.

"Oh there's a lot more magic here then you would think," Arthur told him. Tauren managed to run out only to run into Leon's sword, straight through his chest. Arthur went and informed Uther about the dead sorcerer and why he was there. He told Uther that he and Leon had looked through the house and found no stone that Tauren had been referring too and Gwen was soon allowed to go home. Gwen talked about her father with Morgana and Kylynn who have both also been made orphans (although Morgana does know her actual father is Uther, but she considers the man who raised her as her father, not Uther) and they all told old stories about their parents, Mauve joining later with her own stories.

Once again, another incident had come around that Merlin would be the one to save the day, Morgana had run out before Arthur could leave to kill the Questing Beast to tell him he would be bit after he throws Merlin out of the way. When he came back unconscious, Uther was grieving, now believing the tale of the Beast, Camelot came together, believing there prince was dying. Gwen had managed to watch over Arthur with Mauve who released some of her magic, affectively making Arthur somewhat relax. Merlin had gotten to where he needed to be, only to met with surprise, surprise, Nimueh. Nimueh had made a bargain for the Cup of Life and Merlin had agreed without asking what the bargain would have been. The next morning he rode back to Camelot with the cup handing it to Gaius when he got in. They rushed to Arthur, made a lie about what was in the cup, and gave it Arthur, soon after Arthur had awoken, after Uther had been convinced to leave, Gwen came in with some towels and smiled in relief seeing his eyes open, she was relieved Arthur was okay, and that Mauve would be alright, she had become a wreck soon after Merlin had left for the cup. When Mauve came in, they had both smiled brightly at each other, and Arthur began to tease her after revealing he could hear her and Gwen, safe to say Arthur kept his bright smile and Mauve gained a bright red face when she left the room.

That night both Kylynn and Morgana screamed awake, something was wrong with Hunith, she had shown up in Camelot with a lot of sores and was majorly ill. A letter had appeared from William that morning about Hunith disappearing. Both Arthur and Gwen had shown up in Kylynn's chambers, Morgana soon following after and talked about how worried they were for Merlin, they all conversations where it sounded like he was saying goodbye. They all watch in the distance as they had seen something with the clouds near the mountains, and had jumped seeing what looked to be a bolt of lightning, "That was Merlin," Mauve said. "Are you sure?" Arthur asked. Mauve nodded and they watched for a while until they had seen Merlin return with Gaius, they only guess what had happened as Gaius doesn't usually go very far out. They checked in on Hunith earlier after noticing they were both gone and Hunith was better. Hunith had left early to head back to Eileminti, leaving a note for Merlin that she was okay.

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