The Changeling

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Third POV

So, the witches decided to give Gaius a chance, especially after what the two seers had seen. Morgana walked in, "Gaius, do you have anything on Sidhe changelings?" she asked. Kylynn followed in behind, "And how would you feel about getting seduced by a pixie?" she asked.

"Why do you need to know about changelings and what about a pixie?" Gaius asked. Mauve had walked in a bit upset, "I'm being forced to marry if this doesn't get stopped, the only one I want to marry is Mauve—," Arthur was heard, making Mauve look a little better.

"—And what kind of name is Grunhilda?!" he said louder as he walked to the door.

"Let me rephrase that, how would feel about getting seduced by pixie named Grunhilda?" Kylynn asked again.

"What did you see?" Arthur asked in desperation. He had walked over and grabbed the two seers by the arms, if they were one person he would have been able to shake them in his desperation.

"It will turn out just fine Arthur, just Elena is being possessed by a sidhe and doesn't know it. Grunhilda is a pixie which is a servant to sidhe. If we take care of her then we can get rid of the sidhe and not hurt Elena in the process. It should be a potion that would make her feel like a brand new person afterwards," Morgana mentioned, looking back at Gaius and Merlin at the end, the two had started looking in the books.

"Would the sidhe be why she is so clumsy?" Arthur asked. Merlin snorted and Arthur gave him a small glare. Arthur wanted the woman to be free of the sidhe and if the clumsiness gets taken too, that would be beneficial for her. Arthur wanted to marry Mauve, no doubt about it, but he hoped Elena would be able to find a suitable match for her.

"Yes, and for the time being, please keep her occupied so she doesn't accidently get herself killed," Kylynn said. Arthur nodded; he kissed the side of Mauve's head and walked out. Gaius had eventually found the potion, but he didn't have the ingredients, "I do," Kylynn and Mauve said. Gaius gave them a questioning look, "It's supposed to all natural things for this potion, we have special ingredients that we grow, Mauve's is bigger since it would be less suspicious if she had it. Normally you would find it with Earth Elementals though," Kylynn explained.

"Gwaine gardens?!" Morgana said in shock. Mauve started laughing, "She said they normally would, not that they like it or grow things accidently. Gwaine falls under accidently, he made so many watermelons appear when he got flustered talking to Kylynn," she said. Morgana and Kylynn left as they were forced into attending a dinner with the guests.

"It's a big occasion. The total joining of our two families," Lord Godwyn, Elena's father spoke up. "Indeed, this union would cement what has long been an unofficial alliance between our kingdoms," Uther responded. Arthur, Morgana, and Kylynn were bored out of their minds and could see a certain pixie eyeing a certain physician, and he knew it too.

"It would give me great pleasure. I can assure you, my heart lies with yours. As for their hearts, who can say?" Kylynn personally thought that what Lord Godwyn had just said was very cringeable, she just managed to hide it too.

"No matter. The affairs of state take precedence over feelings. Arthur knows that. I'm sure Elena does too," Uther said.

Grunhilda has finally made her move, "May I? You've been avoiding my gaze," she asked Gaius.

"No, no. gaze isn't as sharp as it used to be," Gaius lied.

"That's why I thought I'd move a bit closer. All the better to appreciate me, eh?" Grunhilda laughs while Gaius laughs uncomfortably. He tried to make conversation until Elena had started picking food from her dress and Grunhilda took her out, back to her chambers.

What If? {Merlin}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt