The school

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The Next day, early in the morning,

Luz gets up, excited. She can, finally, tesr if the water glyph she saw in the video works.
She hopes so, and she is gonna try the earlier she can, even before breakfast, which is the most important meal of all day, or so used to say her mother.

The memory of her mother brings tears to Luz's eyes. Boy, she sure miss her. It's been a little more than a month since Luz landed in the Avatar Realm. That's how Luz calls it, the inhabitants of that Realm doesn't have a specific name for it because to their knowledge it was the only Realm, so why give it a name?

However, even Luz yearns for one of her mother's hugs, she reminds herself that as she can not do anything about that and that's better to focus on the present. And the present is the water glyph.
And so she picks a sheet and her pencil, one of her few possessions she has from back home, and draws the circle she saw on the video and taps it.

That makes a water jet to go out, direct to Luz's face.

She blinks, a little shocked. It has worked! Now she knows two (2) ways of bender, two different elements. Wow! Willow is gonna be so puzzled.


She can't tell Willow.

She can't tell anyone. Because if she does, people are gonna think she is the avatar. And who know the trouble it involves. She can't risk getting involved in something if she wants to go back home sometime.

So, sadly, she has to keep this for herself, no matter how excited she's about this.

But if she wanna master this new form of bender she has to train, and a lot, because right now...
she wipes the water from her face
...right now she's not even close to good

Luz takes a deep breath, trying to relax a bit, and gets ready to go have breakfast.

After breakfast Luz goes to Willow's house, looking for her.

Knock, knock, knock
Luz knocks on the front door.

One of Willow's parents open the door.
"Oh, hello Luz. What are you doing here?" He ask with a confused expression in his face.
"I came here to see if Willow wants to hang out with me" A smile lies in Luz's face.
"She just leave for school, shouldn't you be going too?"
Oh, mierda. She forgot it's Monday and didn't think whether Willow would be home or not.
And should she enroll in school? She's just a teenager in the end. But how was school here? Could it be like Earth's school? Luz doubts that, there are a lot of differences between the two words.

So going to school here is gonna be of no use when she returns home. But if she doesn't go to school, she can get in trouble, she supposes. She don't know the legal age you can leave school in this realms or even if there is one.

The best, she decides, is to lie for now.
"I...was on my way, I just passed by to go along Willow, that's what I meant by hanging out, of course" She says, giggling.
"I'm afraid you're late then" He continues.
"Don't you worry, I'll catch up with her" Luz doesn't know how she's gonna do it, she has no idea where the school is.

Well, she'll figurate something out, like she always does.

Willow's father closes the door and Luz turns around, thinking what to do next. She chooses to go to the garden where she met the waterbender girl. Hopefully she'll be still home and all Luz have to do is follow her to school.
And hope she goes to the same school as Willow.

So here she was, spying the garden, that at the moment was empty, hoping she's not late. A couple minutes past and nothing happened. She's probably in school already, given the fact she looked like a straight A's student she probably went even earlier than Willow. So Luz loses the hopes of finding where the school is.

The Avatar Realm, The Owl House AU, an Avatar storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora