Broken plans

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The twins had head inside the house, leaving Luz and Amity alone outside in the garden.
Amity is trying to teach Luz the basics.

"So, you have to feel the water and think what you want the water to do. Then you have to let the water flow the way you want it to" As she speaks a big wave, around Luz and Amity's height, is created in the river.
"Wow" Is all Luz can say.

"Do you get it?" Amity asks, a serious expression in her face.
"Well...can to do it once more? But this time, can I record you with my mobile so that way I'm able to watch it after leaving?" Luz should have asked before if she could record her, if not how was she gonna learn a new glyph? The only way she new is through videos.

"Record me with your mobile?" She asks.
"Yeah, you know, my mobile" Luz takes out her mobile phone to show it to Amity. Amity looks more confused than before, if possible.
"Excuse me, but what is that?" Amity points to the mobile.
Of course, they don't have mobiles here, how could have Luz forget?
Luz tries to contain the laugh so she can talk properly to explain it to Amity.
"This is a device from the human realm and people use it to call one another and to take pictures and record object, among other things. They are pretty useful"
"Oh, i see. Then you can record me." Amity agrees. "That's a curious device. We have something called telephone, but the only thing you can do with it is call other telephones, you can not take pictures or record things like your mobile do" She continues, not getting used to the new word just yet.

Luz takes a step back and gets her mobile ready to record.
Amity repeats the smooth movement she had done a moment before.
After that she turns to face Luz. "Did you get it?"
"Yeah, thank you!" Luz answers happyly.
"You don't have to thank me, you have to teach me aribender techniques now. So, what are you waiting for?"

It's Luz turn to teach Amity airbender techniques. But how is Luz going to teach Amity techniques, Amity looking Lux pretty close, without Amity realizing Luz is using glyphs?
Good question.

Luz tries to make a breeze without Amity seeing her glyph, so Amity ends up seeing almost nothing.
"Luz, you didn't show me nothing, try harder to show me your techniques!" Amity protests.
"Yeah... I can try another way" Luz says, not knowing how to do this.

She takes a glyph with her right hand and start moving her left hand like Eda used to, making a circle.
When she completed the circle she closes her right hand, activating the glyph, and opens it immediately after that, pushing it through the imaginary circle she had made with the other hand, making a breeze with the glyph.

"Wow, so cool, I mean, that's okey..." Amity says, excited, but trying to cover it. Luz is also happy because she managed to do it without Amity seen the glyph.

The back door of Amity house opens up abruptly, two figures at the entrance.
They took a step forward.
They are a couple, a man and a woman.

The man has hazel hair and golden eyes, está a bit bowed, while the woman has a green hair and deep light blue eyes. She's a bit shorter than the man.

"Amity, who's that? And what are you doing? You should be training" The woman states.
The man lies his hand in the woman shoulder.
"Mother, father, greetings.
I was with this girl, this airbender master, trying new techniques"
"She's just a kid, What can she teach you that your teachers can't? She must go, now" Amity's father tells Amity.
"Yes, stop playing and focus young lady" The woman scolds Amity. "And you, don't bother our daughter again" She says to Luz with a cold look.

So Luz left the garden, leaving Amity and her parents behinde.

'Does this means Amity won't be teaching me waterbending techniques anymore, right!' Luz thinks to herself, sadly.
'Wait. It also mean the twins won't be able to teach me earthbending techniques either' Luz realize, now downhearted.

Luz gets to the cave Hércules is at, sad. She has lost the teachers to complete part of her training. Her plans are broken.

But suddenly she remembers she still has the video of Amity waterbending, so not everything is lost.

Luz sits down to see the video. She sees nothing, but she doesn't lose hope, she watches it again, hoping to notice something she didn't notice before. And she watch it again and again...
Untill she manages to glimpses something, and stops the video 47 seconds in.

Luz then proceeds to grab a paper, but her hand found nothing. She takes her sight from her mobile and place it where the paper was supposed to be. Nothing, voidness.

"Mierda. I have run out of paper" Luz exclaims.
Luz had brought paper with her from the air temple, but apparently not enough due to the fact she has used it all in just a day. She draws too much.

She tries to find something around the cave to draw in, a leaf or whatever. Nothing, again.

"Ugh, why is this cave so empty?" Luz asks herself frustrated, at the verge of a anxiety attack.
"It's okey, just take a deep breath. Todo tiene solución" Luz breaths in slowly, and then breaths out slowly too.
"You just have to find it" She breaths again, successfully calming down.
"I can get more paper" She thinks outloud. "But, where?"

Luz doesn't know the town. "I'm sure there'll be a market or something like that. Sure"
She gets ready and leaves the cave, heading to town.

Hello there

I'm sorry it takes me so long to publish this chapter. Lately i've had a lot of exams and homework so i had less time to write.

For this same reason it's possible that i'll publish the next chapter  the sunday, but in two weeks. Either way, if I find myself able to i'll post the next chapter next week.

And, in the next chapter i'm planning on add a drawing but if i don't have time to finish it then i'll warn you when i do in a posterior chapter or by message in my page.


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