He grabbed her jaw and brought her face closer to his as he spoke. "Do you want me to stop touching you?"

"Fuck no."

He smirked. "Such foul language, love—"

"Shut up and kiss me already."

His smirk grew wider, but then her lips were on his lips, and her hands were under his sweater, and his hands were toying with the strings holding her dress, and then—

And then the both of them pulled away, because that couldn't happen...well, happen now. Now they had a party to attend, and what they were doing would only lead to something dangerous, deadly, devine; something that the both of them were so fucking ready for.

"Okay, clearly that won't work for us, let's just...keep it under control." Hermione said, her cheeks crimson and her body flushed and hot and needing him so much.

"You aren't seriously asking me to be controlled when I am around you, are you?" His tone was calm, but Hermione caught the disbelieve that coated his every word.

"That's exactly what I am saying."

"Yeah, well, not happening."

Hermione rolled her eyes before grabbing his hand and pulling him to their dorm door. "We have to go, you can't be late, you are the guest of honor, after all."

"There are more guests of honor other than me, they won't mind us being late for a few minutes, would they?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she smiled nonetheless as she responded. "You are the one who caught the snitch though."


She gave him a quick kiss and Draco almost died when she pulled away, but he didn't have time to react, because suddenly they were in the hallway, and then they were walking towards their friends.

Maybe he is being unreasonable, but right now, all Draco wants is to have Hermione for himself in their dorm room.



Yes. That is the only word that could describe how Draco is feeling at the moment. He has been sitting with his friends, doing nothing but trying his best not to intertwine his fingers with Hermione's and take her up to their dorm.

Not the time, he kept thinking to himself, Not now.

But she wasn't making it easy for him, the way their eyes locked together was proof enough. She was tormenting him. Maybe she didn't know, but that didn't matter because she still had the same effect on him.

He huffed out a breath, and out of instinct, he checked for his wand. Furrowing his eyebrows when he didn't find it in his pocket, he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Hermione said from her spot on the couch's arm.

"Can't find my wand, going to look for it in our dorm." He explained and moved to walk towards the stairs, but a hand grabbed his wrist.


"I can go look for it, I need a breather anyways,"

"You don't have t—"

"You are the guest of honor, stay here." She smiled before standing up and walking towards the stairs.

BoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon