36: The Power of Mortal

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There were many things Elle was afraid of. Some rational and others not. When she was younger, she was afraid of the water. It was ironic seeing as she grew up on a ship. Perhaps it was the tale of an enchanted island brought down by the might of a sea god told to her by Mr. Smee. She learned to conquer that fear as she grew older. It was always going to be treacherous, but she learned to endure.

One fear she developed was exactly where she found herself. Restrained in the dark with the voice that haunted her nightmares just behind her. A real ghost of the past.

"Hades..." Elle musters out.

"What's with that tone?" Hades frowned appearing in front of her, "Aren't we old friends?"

Elle scoffed, "Old friends? Be glad I acknowledged your existence."

She pushed him away from her and gave him a cold glare, "Shouldn't you be trapped in ice?"

Hades' eyes lit up mischievously, "Oh, so you heard of the fate of dear ole dad, huh? How amusing his eldest son takes right after him. So fitting."

His lips formed a tight line as all semantics vanished from his face at the end of his sentence.

"I don't have time for your games," Elle said to him, "I'm only here to get-"

"The Abyssal Shard?" Hades cut her off.

Elle was taken back by his words as Hades placed a hand in his pocket, "Do not forget that I am a god, Elena."

"What do you know of the Abyssal Shard?" Elle demanded.

Hades smirked, "What do I know about the Abyssal shard? A better question is what don't I know about the Abyssal Shard. Such an important piece to an important blade wielded by the fairest of the goddesses."

A loud sound of thunder boomed through the icy cavern causing both Hades and Elle to stop their stand off and look up.

"Huh..." Hades paused, "I guess Hera didn't enjoy hearing that."

He shook his head and grinned, "What more can she do to me? I'm already trapped down here."

"I think you've lost your mind down here," Elle muttered under her breath.

He resumed his conversation, "The power of the shard itself is worth value. Considering my dear brother exiled me here to serve my pointless sentence, I decided to hand off the shard to someone he would never want to have it."

"Cronus..." Elle's voice went quiet.

Hades smiled, "Nice to see you haven't grown dumber since we last crossed paths. I wish I could say the same about your dear lover. Word has it on the surface that he's made some questionable decisions. Lies, secrets, disappearances. Hardly seems like a good husband."

Elle had the tip of her blade to his throat, "Peter is a great husband."

"Oh really?" Hades challenged, "What husband would let his wife venture into the darkest, wickedest of prisons?"

"Where is Cronus?" Elle changed the subject.

She refused to be led around in circles playing Hades' games. The longer she remained down here, the longer Peter will suffer.

Hades said nothing in turn but gestured deeper into the cavern, "Allow me to lead you to your death, Elena Weston."

She reluctantly followed him through the tight space until it opened up into a chamber of ice. The frozen lake glistened despite the absence of light. Torches lit up along the wall. There was no heat radiating from them. In the centre of the frozen lake was a figure whose bottom half was trapped in ice.

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