15: Retaliation

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The Storybrooke Hospital was bustling with the admittance of three new patients. 

"You sure know how to ruin a man's evening," Dr. Whale put on his medical lab coat. 

"You're the head doctor," David said with no remorse, "You should be prepared for this."

The doctor raised his hands up in surrender, "Touché. Well by the looks of it, none of your patients need surgery or anything serious. We put them in a room together to heal. They should be rested enough to hold a conversation."

Peter didn't need to be told twice as he ran to the room. He bursted into the room to face the trio. 

"Oh Darling," the woman greeted and lifted her mimosa, "I'm back!"

"Only temporarily," the man cringed, "If it were up to me, you'd be sent back in a heartbeat."

"That hurts," the woman feigned a hurt tone, "And here I thought we were bonding so well."

"Your Majesty," Felix addressed the man, "We have a visitor."

Felix rose to his feet and gave a curt nod, "Peter."

"Felix," Peter acknowledged, "It's been too long."

"Indeed," Felix says, "Though I must say the conditions of our premature arrival were not preferred."

Before Peter could respond, Emma's voice interrupted, "You..."

The woman sneered, "Oh, it's you darling. I thought it'd be an eternity before I would run into you again."

"Cruella," the man said and she glared at him, "I don't need to listen to you."

"Stand down," Felix warned, blocking her from Arthur, "From challenging the King of the Underworld."

"Former king you meant to say," Cruella mocked, "He was the King of the Underworld. The position is vacant."

"Was?" Regina asked him confused. 

Felix replies coldly, "Currently it is being usurped by a god."

"Usurped?" Mary Margaret furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes," the man confirmed and then said, "Taken by Pan who exiled us to Storybrooke. Hook."

"Arthur," Hook said, "Have you seen my daughter?"

"I have," Arthur confirmed, "She's being held in the Underworld."

"Elle's not going to like that," Felix snorted.

Peter agree with his former second. Elle had a disdain and fear of the Underworld after what happened five years ago. One thing was for certain, she wouldn't go down fighting. 

"Did you see her there?" Peter asked him. 

Arthur nodded his head, "It was by her will that we weren't killed by Pan."

"What is he trying to do?" Regina muttered. 

"I'm not too sure," Arthur admitted, "All I know is that the Underworld is in trouble."

"We're just going to have to travel back to the Underworld and stop him," Peter said and glanced behind him, "You heroes don't need to come. You have a life here. Families to take care of."

"Elle is part of our family too," Emma told Peter, "We're going to save her."

"She's right," Mary Margaret agreed to Peter's shock, "While we may have our run ins, we know that Elle is a part of our family."

"We'll go to the ends of the realm," David vowed. 

"We may not come out of this alive," Hook warned them, "You would risk leaving your children orphaned?"

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