35: Dark Descension

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The feeling of guilt is not one that will lull over in a couple hours. It buries its roots and attacks the body from within. It is a place you can never hide from. It slowly consumes minds and leads them to madness.

It was quiet around Elle as she returned to the Underworld Palace. The vial of her little sister's blood was kept safe in her jacket packet. She had dismissed Cerberus and entered the throne room. Pan had his back to her as he was adjusting something on the table next to the throne.

"Home decorating at a time like this?" Elle taunted wth a raised eyebrow.

"Oh you're back," Pan turned around, "I could use your powers to grow some new flowers."

"Do I look like a florist to you?" Elle asked him annoyed.

"I recall you making a memorable display at the Museum," Pan recalled, "As well as ensnaring those heroes in your brambles."

Elle rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand carelessly. A black rose grew and Pan snorted, "Is this supposed to be a threat to me?"

"I got the vial of blood for the blade," Elle crossed her arms, "Now where is this abyssal shard?"

Pan sat on the throne with his legs draped over the arm of the chair, "The Abyssal Shard I believe was Hades' most prized possession, well one of them anyways."

"Hades got vaporized by the Olympian crystal though," Elle argued, "Doesn't that mean that the abyssal shard got destroyed too?"

Pan chuckled, "I overestimate you sometimes, Elena. Don't you know that gods are immortal? That crystal does indeed obliterates one's existence, but Peter is still here."

Elle process his words, "You don't mean..."

Pan nodded his head, "Hades is still alive. After your little misadventure, Zeus granted his brother a second chance at life as he did your dear Peter. The only difference this time is that Hades is currently spending some time reflecting with their dear old father, Cronus."

"A fate worse than death, huh?" Elle scoffed hearing of the God of Underworld's fate, "That means he's in Tartarus?"

"He's not just in Tartarus," Pan said, and for once, Elle saw the hint of fear in his eyes, "He's in a hell far worse than Tartarus. Past the prison where the Titans are sealed away, located in the deepest pits of Tartarus lies the centre of its domain. The prison on a frozen lake, a place where no life resides, no light magic. All that exists is the bitter cold and two residents trapped in ice yet still forced to live. It is the worse punishment for an immortal. No gods go there, not even Zeus."

The god of the wild then broke out into a grin, "So good luck with that."

"Hold on just a second," Elle hissed and grabbed the collar of his shirt, "I got the blood, I don't see you pulling your weight here. If you aren't going to help out, I might as well surrender your lazy ass to Peter."

Pan wiggled a finger in front of her face, "Ah ah, but what about your oath to help me? Going back on Styx is punishment."

Elle scowled at his words wanting to wipe the smirk off his face. She glanced off to the side, "Well, if I am going down there alone, the least you could do is help me carry some supplies."

Elle summoned a bag containing rope, knives, water and food.

"Do you have the Lantern of Diogenes?"

Pan held it out and Elle smiled, "Perfect, you can carry it for me to the entrance, I wouldn't want to trip while carrying all this important stuff."

Without waiting for a response, she headed towards the pit to Tartarus. Pan's footsteps followed behind her. A devious grin formed on her face at her plan. He didn't suspect a thing.

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