4: We Meet Again

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Peter knew it was risky, but he had to figure out his next move. He recalled his exchange with the Dark One earlier today.

Peter entered Mr. Gold's shop looking for answers. After everything that had happened, Mr. Gold and Belle had settled in Storybrooke and raising their child Gideon. It was still surprising to see the Dark One taking part in such a mundane activity. Belle saw Peter walking in and held Gideon in her arms even tighter.

"Where is he?" Peter asked through gritted teeth.

"Calm your tone," Mr. Gold walked out from the back, "The baby is asleep."

Peter narrowed his green eyes. Mr. Gold sighed, "Belle, please go to the back. I'll handle things here."

Belle nodded her head and hurried back. Mr. Gold presided behind the counter, "I didn't think I would be seeing you this soon, old friend."

 "So you are aware of what is happening too, aren't you?" Peter asked him seriously. 

Mr. Gold's eyes darkened, "Yes."

The graveness of the situation was apparent to both men. Mr. Gold looked down and murmured, "I had a vision of what is to come."

His tone was grim and Peter braced himself for the news. His eyes went wide as Mr. Gold gave him a brief glimpse of the future. When he was done, Peter punched a mirror. Mr. Gold sighed at his former friend's anger. His hand was bleeding and no doubt Elle would be concerned. 

He waved his hand over and healed it with magic. Peter mumbled a thanks and Mr. Gold advised him, "The future isn't fluent. What I see is the most probable event. As time progresses, what I saw will be one step closer to becoming a reality."

"Is there any way to stop this?" Peter asked him, "You're the bloody Dark One."

Mr Gold was silent on the matter. After a few minutes of not speaking, The Dark One gave Peter a tense look, "You know as well as I, the position we are put in."

Peter frowned, "I hate this position. I had hoped it was all behind me. I see there is no other choice. I have to return to the game and this time... There is no other choice than victory."

Peter hated being at the disadvantage. Due to this meeting and new information, he was forced to miss working at the restaurant. He had planned to be back in time before Elle's shift so she wouldn't suspect anything. Peter sighed, knowing Elle was already at the restaurant. He could not face her. 

Instead he visited the library and decided to read some books while he waited for them to make their move. He headed home and was startled by a dagger trapping him on the wall. Elle came into view and Peter rubbed his temple trying to keep calm. He had to repair the wall tomorrow. 

As the phone rang and Elle answered, he sensed her fearful tone. When she hung up, Peter was taken off guard by Hope going missing. How far could the four year old have gone?

They arrived in the woods as the storm grew bigger. They made it to a fork in the road and Peter splits off from his wife and treks deeper into the forest. The trees shook with the winds and the rain blinded him. His clothes were soaked and he feared his wife's and Hope's safety. 

Peter arrived at a clearing and cracked a smile as he closed his eyes, "So this is how you wanted to meet, I must say, you were always one for the dramatics."

Peter didn't need magic to sense the presence behind him. The voice was all the confirmation that he needed to know who he was dealing with. 

"What can I say," the voice replied, "It's part of my aesthetic."

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