chapter twenty-nine

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Cesar and I went to Oscar and his wife's house to eat with them. We were about to leave until his wife said..

"Cesar, Jayde, we are moving to Portland."

I turned around and so did Cesar.

"Oscars opening a restaurant"

Cesar and Oscar started fighting. Cesar turned around and left.

"I'm sorry about him. The past two years he's been a complete asshole. We live together and I barely talk to him. I got to go. Love you both!" I said.

"Love you" They both said.

The next day..

I got out of bed and walked outside to see some of the gang. Oscar was talking to Cesar. I walked up them.

"Cuchillos, they found the remains." Oscar said.

"So?" Cesar said shrugging his shoulders.

"So? That's all you've got? We could get into serious shit, Cesar." I said.

"If they ID her, it will have something to do with you two." Oscar said.

"What about your friends? AT LEAST CALL MONSE!" Oscar yelled as Cesar was being dragged away by Vero.

"I lost her number a long time ago."

"No the fuck you didn't. You remember it by heart." I said.

"Shut the hell up, Jayde" Cesar said leaving.

"I'll talk to Ruby, Jasmine and Jamal. It's up to him to tell Monse." I said turning to Oscar.

"Thanks" He said, hugging me. He left.

I talked to Ruby at school. The next day Cesar told Jamal. Shits about to go down..

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