chapter 46 i said yes, yes

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when mo chiqing woke up, the temple bursts of pain, he was sick to vomit, but, just just think.
"you're finally awake, " said xiao qingqing.

hearing yu anzhi's energetic voice, mo chiqing was relieved, and the sound knew no
mo chiqing looked to yu anzhi, looking at the bandage on his face, "your face is like this, did you still
"naturally i can't shoot it, because i've asked the director for leave, and i'm afraid he doesn't believe what i'm saying and thinks i'm lying to him, so i'm still showing him my
face." yu anzhi said very helpless, after all, he rely on strength is not easy to get people ah, the play shot a large part, but because of this matter to delay, do not know what the director's mind.
what worries him even more is that he's afraid that the little ones will give the director eye drops because of his injuries, and then replace him with his play, and he'll have to say
"can you say now who wants you to be uninsured?"
mo chiqing said that he stayed in the hospital is not the same, also did not care much, anyway, he did not believe that yu anzhi will harm him.
speaking of this matter, yu anzhi broke his face, "who
else?" she said her name is mu jialing, in this emperor everyone knows that mu family has a woman, beautiful, by her eyes of the people, naturally is difficult to escape the magic palm.
if it weren't for her sister, i'd have almost hit a
woman! you don't even know how tough this is called mu jialing, you said she don't want miss mujia, why look at me?
thinking of mujahin's appearance, mo chiqing pinched her eyebrows with her hand, "probably, maybe, she's
blind." yyu

anzhi angry, "what did you say? mo

chiqing winked and looked innocent, "what did i say?" i didn't say anything.
yu anzhi had teeth, "okay, xiao qingqing, you actually said she was blind how to look at me?
"anzhi ah, sometimes, some things you know, i know is enough, in fact, do not have to pick out, it seems more
"mo chi-ching!"
yu anzhi grinding teeth, "you are finished today! ! "mo

chiqing heard, immediately begged for mercy, "anzhi, i was wrong, i will never dare to say again."
yu anzhi sneered, "now it's too late to ask for mercy."

a while, mo chiqing cried and laughed again, "anzhi, i was wrong, really wrong. mo

chiqing is afraid of itching, yu anzhi is aware, he scratched mo chiqing's waist with his hand, picked the eyebrows.
yu anzhi did not intend to go down with mo chiqing, went to have no thought is mo chiqing this laugh on the way to suddenly spit blood, which can be yu anzhi frightened.

"song! the tune! you get out of here! "call

the soul..." the song came out of the house inside, and saw mo chiqing with his hands over her mouth, blood on his hands, a sudden change of look.
mo chiqing himself was frightened by this change, he this good how suddenly spit
"how are you, xiao qingqing?"
what's wrong? "was it a fight that hurt before?" bbut also not right ah, before the fight is all small qingqing abuse others ah!
mo chiqing shook his head, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his back, and said, "anzhi don't worry, i don't have any
discomfort." of

course, in addition to his head there is some pain, this kind of thing he is not good to tell anzhi, if let anzhi know, afraid is to worry again.
yu anzhi how to listen to mo chiqing said nothing is all right ah, he looked to mo chiqing is doing an inspection of the song, "how?"
but where did you get hurt?
the song yin face shook his head to yu anzhi, "he was not hurt, just blood, i will give him some medicine, eat it will be all
yu anzhi heard, relieved, "it's all right, it's all
mo chiqing looked at his exaggerated appearance and smiled lowly.

"you're still
laughing." yu anzhi blames.
mo chiqing immediately converges the smile, said: "well, i do not laugh, anzhi, i am so hungry, have
yu anzhi turned a white eye, "wake up to eat, xiaoqingqing you this behavior is very
that's what he said, but he went to get mo chi-ching to eat, after all, mo chi-qing was in a coma for a long time, and now it's almost lunchtime.

after watching yu anzhi go, mo chiqing asked, "are you the doctor
here?" am i really all right? this

person generally does not spit blood, this once vomited blood really is not because of some aspects of the body is wrong? <
the song was covered in face and said, "it's all
right." mo

chiqing said: "doctor, you don't have to worry about you telling the truth will hurt me, i can bear it." "you

don't believe what i'm saying. mo

chiqing waved his hand, "no no, i just think this wrong write will not really just be simple and simple blood surge right?" the

song continues to cover my face, "i say yes, yes. mo chiqing: "no,

doctor..." the song directly interrupts mo chiqing's words, "are you a doctor or am i a doctor?"


chi-ching stayed for a moment, "you are.
qu said: "since you all said i was a doctor, then i said you are blood on the air, later to give you some medicine, eat you are all right, why don't you
believe?" mo

chiqing: " ... i, i didn't say i didn't believe it.
"if you hesitate, it means you don't believe what i'm
saying." the song snorted and said, "if you don't believe what i'm saying, you can go to the big hospital and check it out again." mo

chiqing helpless, he really did not believe what the words said, he just felt that there is no blood surge will spit blood, but to discuss this issue with the doctor, it is obvious that he is self-interested.
mo chiqing looked at the song, silent for a moment, said: "okay, i am the blood surge only caused by vomiting blood, the doctor you are right, is my shallow knowledge, you more
burden." "listen

to the song, satisfied, "you rest more, i will give you medicine, and so on you eat, also drink medicine." "mo

chi-ching dare not say anything more, "okay, trouble doctor." "the

song "hmm" a cry, and left.
before long, yu anzhi came with the meal, "you just woke up, eat a little
mo chiqing took the bowl and asked, "anzhi, how long have i
yu anzhi thought, "it didn't take long, also ten hours look, what's the
mo chiqing: "it's all right, i'll
yu anzhi put chopsticks into mo chiqing's hand and said, "okay, you can eat quickly."

suddenly came to mind, " said ho.
yu anzhi pointed his finger inside the house, "in that room, he had injuries, last night was choked by the song, and now he has not woken
up. of

course, ho did not wake up simply because the song to chop, but because the song to ho translation anaesthetic needle, the dose is not much, the song is a doctor, he used drugs always accurate, so yu anzhi is not worried.
mo chiqing listened, at ease, then began to fill their stomachs.

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