chapter 5 genius stars can't get in

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completely unaware that mo chiqing as a good person mu wei has come to the study, he opened the computer, opened a video conference, if now let mo chiqing to see mu qi, will find that the emperor's big door of mujia master where will be a good person, all said that the hole to wind, not to say only.
at this time, mu yu is completely like being in a person's world, the whole person exudes a temperament of life is not close, that face is quiet, eyes are still looking at the computer screen, and that and he opened the video of the person has already held his breath, look cautious, afraid of people to provoke, suffering forever is their
"the rules have been
forgotten?" mu's acoustic line is low, clear and nice sound in the opposite part of the video in the human ear is like the devil online, let people unconsciously chill.
"boss, i have absolutely not forgotten the rules, this is not to see the old wind, a moment of
god." the opposite person laughed out loud, but when his voice fell, next to a light cough sound, a weak voice sounded: "ao, the style is about to describe women." the

man known as ao face stiff, that is a ruddy face suddenly like a serious injury, face almost pale, he looked at mu yu that indifferent look, eagerly explained: "boss, you must forgive me, all blame my low cultural quality, i really did not expect this style is about to describe women, you must believe me, i want to say that the boss is too handsome, so let me be ashamed!"
having said that, ao turned his head and asked the teenager to one side, in a very light tone, and said, "i'm not wrong this time, am
i?" the

teenager shook his head, and the young man was relieved and relieved. <
mu wei slightly dagged, "is that it
over?" "a

child sat up straight, nodded, that look don't mention how good, " said the boss, you said. next

to the young man can't help but cover his eyes, a face of no eyes, he thought, also good in the boss back to the emperor's side went, otherwise, may be the boss to repair.
"are you done with everything?"
mu yu is too lazy to look at ao, he looked at the side of the juvenile asked.
the teenager heard mu yu asked, suddenly straight up, serious look, said: "things are handled almost, has reached the end of the stage, boss, your side can send some more hands
over?" "the

cold light in mu's eyes, let people see can not help but be afraid of his heart, he said: "no, in the emperor, they are not so bold." although

this time things are a little tricky, but relatively speaking, in this emperor, they at least dare not be blatant, to his hands of things, but also want him to go back, but don't dream.
he mu yu can not be so good heart, will do the beauty of adult things, not to mention his hands this thing is spent his big price, even if you want him not to pay a little price, it will be possible?
in fact, what they want is just a box, but this box has an organ, the production is complex, it is difficult to open this thing, hold what they say, this organ box contains an inexhaustible, inexhaustible
he mu yu sitting on the wealth he has spent these life, nature is not greedy for this empty, hollow to wind the treasure, people, live in this world is naturally
things he bought back with money, there is no treasure in it, that also belongs to him, those who want him to go back to the people are too serious about themselves, even he spent money do not pay back, also too do not take him in the
who is not who in this emperor who is
mad? in that case, what he did did did without any rules, let alone rules.
"but boss, those people seem to have sent a lot of people out for that machine box, i heard you are married in the emperor, really do not consider sending some people to come
over?" the teenager said with some concern.
speaking of mo chiqing, mu yu's hand on the table gently tapped, he seems to have tested, but this time period is too short, he said: "no, the emperor's side of the hand is enough, as to his side i will let he gu secretly
follow." the

young man knew he gu's skill, and there was no longer any objection to mu's decision, he had wanted to let himu help mu's in the past, but compared with he gu, ao suddenly had no comparability. <
"does the boss have anything to
mu yu waved, said no, the young man immediately exposed big white teeth, his voice seems to bring a little embarrassed, "what, boss, can you give me some money
ah?" my computer has to be changed. "if

i remember correctly, did you buy your computer last year?" and the parts there are modified, even if it is used for two or three years is also like the new, there is no condition for changing computers. the

teenager smiled awkwardly and said, "actually, i don't want to change the computer myself, it's not that i want to give ao a match, although it's also a few thousand dollars of things, but you let me get this money out, i still feel quite meaty." "young

genius star, computer deciphering small talent, like the sun, like to accumulate wealth, for people to buckle the door, can not spend their own money, absolutely will not spend a penny, realistic, only can not enter.
mu yu is also used to the behavior of the star, then said: "tomorrow, i let you send
it." "

the star followed him these days, even if it is saved a lot of money, do not know who has that ability, the star's hands of money to spend out.
"thank you, boss, you're such a nice
guy." xingxing suddenly eyebrows smile, he patted him next to a giggling ao, said: "laugh what smile, not happy to thank the boss." a

suddenly realized, said to mu yu: "thank you boss, ha ha ha ha ha." mu

yu was slaughtered thousands of dollars, in the face of two people's giggles, he directly chose to hang up the video, he began to wonder why he wanted to let the star and a-jin together?
at first he wanted to let ao learn the wisdom of the star, but now it seems that the star of the ao learned a lot of
all said near zhu red, near ink black, this is not false, but according to him this also depends on how much influence this person
mu yu leaned on the chair, tiredly pinched the nose beam, he did not have much rest these days, clearly the whole person is not very comfortable, but it is difficult to sleep, the thought of the next room sleeping mo chiqing, mu yu looked at the ceiling to think, he stood up, out of the
he opened the bedroom door, came to the bedside, and watched mo chiqing for a while before he went to the other side of the empty position to lie

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