chapter 42 "the man's mu" (flowers and more)

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Mo chiqing hurriedly put his hand over his mouth, he just finished this action, the whole body is trembling a bit, not for anything else, only because mu yu with his tongue licking his earlobes!
mo chiqing's face suddenly red, "mr. mu, what do you mean by
that?" "what

else does that mean?" late to think that married into the mu family is just a decoration? "mu yu did not remember that it is still not yet, and now he remembers his relationship with mo chiqing, let him still face mo chiqing as before, it is absolutely impossible.
what does that
mo chiqing stared at mu qi, his cheeks burning, he has been in mu's house for more than a month, is not to do that kind of
thing? but he has made up his mind to divorce mu yu to find traces of small, he and mu yu at this time that will not be very good?

"that... i, i go to the kitchen first to see, i am still stewing, stew! mo chiqing hurried away from the scene and ran all the way into the kitchen, his back against the wall, gasping for breath.
he patted his hot face with his hand, mu yu suddenly changed a look when he was a little overwhelmed, he felt that again like that, he would not help but really and mu yu such a way, he simply want to cover his face, this idea is too
mo chiqing has been grinding the dishes to get out, he now a little do not know how to face mu yu, ming that man face cold look, how can do such a thing out?!

"lord mu, i've had
dinner." mmo chiqing said to mu qi, who seemed to be a fake.
mu yu opened his eyes, that pair of mules with a little pain, just he seems to be asleep, but he seems to have a dream, the scene inside the dream is blurred, but he saw a blood-soaked mo chiqing rushed to him laughing, he also heard someone crying, he wanted to put mo chiqing into his arms, but how close he is, can not
mo chiqing in the dream looks only sixteen, seven looks, his blood, laugh, let people incomparably

mu -
look at the crystal lamp above his head, from the beginning mo chiqing called him these two words when he felt familiar, because this is mo chiqing to his exclusive title, since mo chiqing called him so, he let people call him mu
nine years ago, he was in love with mo chiqing, they also walked together, but then what happened, why do they forget each
other? why are you separated for nine years?
all this, he did not know, when the things seem to have been deliberately erased, he let people to check, but can not find the

see mu yu did not move, mo chiqing thought mu yu fell asleep, can not wait to go past, but did not think that mu yu has been awake.

mo chiqing subconsciously want to go back, but at this time, mu qi suddenly moved, he will be mo chiqing caught, directly mo chiqing into his
arms. <
mu yu buried his head in mo chiqing's neck, sucking mo chiqing's body breath, feeling the beating pulse, the heart rose of the panic before gradually he was pressured
whether it was a bad dream he had made himself, he didn't want mo chiqing to get hurt, and the blood-soaked mo chi-ching looked so

listen to mu yu in this hoarse and with a magnetic voice, this voice is both good to hear, but also squeam, as if like a lover between the ear
seriously, listening to mu yu call him this title, he also has some uncomfortable, excessive intimacy.

see mo chiqing should not, mu yu called
mo chiqing's whole body is frozen, because mu qi actually with his tongue in licking his neck, licking even, but also sucking and sucking!

"well... mr. mu. "mo chi-ching was a little trembling, and he tried to push mu yu away, but he found that he had no strength at all now.
what's going on with this suddenly so sultanous?
if it weren't for this face and the lameness, he would have wondered if mu yu had been replaced!
mu qi left traces on mo chiqing's neck, which only loosened mo chiqing, he at this moment in the look restored to the previous cold look, he looked at mo chiqing's neck, the heart is very
satisfied. <
because mo chiqing's skin color is white, so the traces that were sucked out by mu qi appear particularly

hungry." it was rare for mu to say that he was hungry, so when he said such a thing out, mo chiqing first hesitated, and then directly ignored mu's abnormality.
"let's sit down and i'll give you a
meal." recently he in order to give mu yu stomach, so the first reaction is naturally mu yu's body important first.
he went to the kitchen to fill two bowls of rice, but also took an empty bowl out, first filled the bowl of soup in front of mu yu, "mu, drink soup first, then
eat." mu

yi obediently drank the soup, in fact, he did not like sweets from the beginning, he was later with mo chiqing after liking him, at that time mo chiqing like to eat, they together mo chiqing will occasionally feed him some.
they are together, and not good to refuse, after all, if he refused, mo chiqing will feel that he does not really like him, because he is not allergic to
as a result, he began to like sweets under mo chiqing's cast, but only with a little sweets, transition he did not
carrot stew ribs, cooked out of the soup flavor has a sweet taste, of course, the taste of carrots is there, but also good in not so
the dishes on the table are all fried by mo chiqing, the maids in this villa were put on leave by mu yu, to come to work tomorrow, so in this villa there are only two of
mu yu thought, this matter, mo chiqing is afraid is not aware
mo chiqing picked out the ribs, put them in the bowl of mu yu, and threw the bones into the trash can, and then began to eat carrots.

meat." mingming like to eat meat, but this person likes to put meat clips to him to eat, even if he is not remembered, but for his good, but not changed at all.
mo chiqing looked at his bowl out of the meat, winked his eyes, he looked to mu yu, see mu yu's eyes a soft, as if there is a starry sky in
mo chiqing hurriedly moved to open his eyes, if said that before mu yu like a cold fairy, difficult to climb, now is like a fairy, but with a charm, otherwise how can he feel dry tongue, hate to put mu yu down, wrong things?

his idea is
no, no, he has to hurry up to find a time and mu yuti divorce thing to
otherwise, he really will not be willing to leave mu

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