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Narrator P.OV





That is what Izuku Yagi had suffer from early age. His father hate him because he is the 'reason' his mother died. Even his childhood friend bullied him because of his quirk. Because of something he can't control.

His quirk, blood king allow him to control and manipulate his own blood into any shape and form. He can also harden and ignite his blood in flame. But what most interesting part of his quirk is that his blood is also considered part of his body. He can use his blood to hear, see and feel anything around him.

Waking up, get ready, went to school, get beaten, got his grades sabotaged, went back home and get ignore by his father. This is his daily life. He can't even remember a single day where he get to spend time with his father. He just wish for them to at least have a little chat. But it never happen.

His sister?

At first, she care for him. She would helped him studying and were once the best sister one could ask for.

Just being able to spend time time with her was already enough for him. Alas, fate was cruel to him. As time went by, she started to change.

She would stop spending time with him and would occasionally look at him with complicated look. He doesn't know what kinds look it was. He just doesn't like it.

At first, little Izuku would shrug it off thinking it was just her going through phases. Then, he realised.

It wasn't her going through phases. It was just her hating her with her entire being.

If all started with her ignoring him, then it turns into a full blown abuse. Everyday, she would treat her poorly. Blaming her for their mother's death.

Now, he was walking down the street. Even with all the hell that his life went through he still decide to smile. Some people were looking at him with worried expression. But they never came to help.


Because they just thought that the hero would come to help. Some however look at him with disgust.

"Hey, isn't that the villain?"

"Why aren't the heroes do anything?"

"He should have died the day he was born"

People around him murmur as he walk. He try to ignore them but he can't. The society is cruel. No matter what he did he was seen as villain. Even if he show a characteristic of a hero he will still be called a villlain.

"You're the reason mom died."

"I had never had a son"

"If only you never exist in the first place. Mom will still be alive right now"

"Why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof. The world doesn't need another villain roaming around the street anyway."

Voices of those who had make his life suffer rang inside izuku's head. He clenched his head in frustration. Then he snap.

His eyes only show one thing.


A look of pure insanity and craziness.

"If they Don't love me, then why do i even exist in the first place.' He thought as he run towards the tallest building nearby with a manical grin.

When he arrives at the rooftop he look below him. It was pretty tall.

Izuku could see the entire city of Mustafu. Considering that it was evening, he could also see the beautiful scenery of the sunset.

His mind trace to a certain dual haired girl. Her heterochromia eyes that would always look at him with warm and love.

The greenet shook he head before taking a step further causing his body fell at a high speed.



"What happened?!"

"Someone just fell!"

"Is it a suicide?!"

"My God, he's still a kid!"

"Call the ambulance!"

The body of a boy no older than ten hit the floor. Half of his face was crushed from the impact.

He can feel his life draining away from his body. His remaining eye caught the sight of a girl with dual hair colour approaching his dead body.

Finally, Izuku Yagi had died after committing suicide.

Or is he?

To be continue

This story was published a year ago but I only updated until chapter five and then forgot that the story even existed.

I actually made a meme regarding this fanfic and put it on my Reaper story but people misunderstood it as them waiting for the next chapter as I wrote 'Just A Group Of Outcast waiting for the next update' on the meme template of waiting skeleton.

The readers probably thought that the outcast mentioned was them when in reality, it was the title of this story.

Just A Group Of Outcast [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now