"We're way behind. Go get ready for the day and be downstairs in 10."

Alicia stood up and went to her bag of clothes, and Liam stood up and walked to the door.

"Um... dude?" she asked softly.


"Can you wait?"

Liam agreed to wait outside the door, and pulled out his phone.

"And just so you know... I hate you," Alicia added.

"Okay," Liam replied, walking outside into the hallway. "I'll be out here if you need."

A few minutes later, Jas, Jeni, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall were sitting in the living room waiting for the others. When Alicia walked in, she sat on her sister's lap, careful of her butt.

"Okay, girls," Harry said. "This is the first of what will probably be many family meetings. When a family meeting is called, head down here."

Liam took over. "Right now, we're going to tell you the rules. Okay?"

The girls raised their eyebrows.

"Rule number one: No back chatting. If you've got a legitimate problem with something, explain and converse in a mature manner, but you can't talk back to us."

"Fuck that," Jas mumbled. Harry raised his eyebrows at her, and she raised hers back.

"Rule number two: No swearing."

"Like that's going to happen – sorry, like that's going to fucking happen," Lic whispered.

"Rule number three: No fighting. This means physical, verbal, or anything else. There's a difference between an argument or disagreement and a fight; and there's a difference between joking and being mean."

"I disagree with that," sassed Jeni.

"Rule number four: Be polite and respectful. Manners and all that,but also listen to older people or someone with authority, and treat everyone nicely."

"Respect has to be earned."

"Rule number five: Do as you're told. Pretty obvious I think."

"Maybe I will, probably won't."

"Rule number six: bedtimes and waking up times will be obeyed. It will probably differ what time you have to get up, but if you need to get up you will get up; and bedtime means bedtime."

"We're not two years old, dude."

"Rule number seven: Be careful about your online and media presence.We are very well-known and everyone is looking at us – and now you – and if you stuff up it could be very bad."

"Wow big headed much."

"Rule number eight: Do not lie. Tell the truth, because if you don't it will come out eventually."

"You don't know know that though."

"Rule number nine: Don't lock or slam your door. If you're getting changed, then you may lock it; but other than that, it must be open or unlocked when you're in there, when you're sleeping and basically when there isn't a good reason to lock it."


"Rule number ten: Help around the house. You have to pitch in with washing up, cooking, setting the table and everything. Especially keep your rooms clean."

"No, my room my rules."

"Rule number eleven: Do not run away or sneak out. If you want to leave the house, ask permission."

One Adoption... Sorry, Direction (1D Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now