Chapter Thirty-two - Fight Fight Fight!

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“Thought you might need this” Saxon says.

“Just might thank you” I laugh.

I have five missed calls from Riya. Great now more reason to panic like crazy. I dial her number and put her on loud speakers so everyone in the car can hear what she is saying. It rings and rings and rings. No answer. Shit. I try again.

“Where are you?” Riya asks.

“Coming home now what’s happening?” I ask

“Mum has locked herself in their bedroom and Charlie is banging at the door” Riya says, “I’m almost home now”

“How did you know Charlie hit mum?” I ask.

“She called me just before I called you” Riya says.

“Well I am heading home I will meet you there” I say, “Don’t go in until I get there”

Riya hangs up. She is panicking I am shitting myself. I hope that the bedroom door hasn’t been smashed to pieces along with the rest of mum’s things, but I hope he hasn’t laid another finger on her because as much as I want to try and beat the shit out of him I am scared at the same time.

“Tyler this is intense” Dean says.

“Your dad is an absolute dickhead” Saxon says, “I want to give him a piece of my mind”

“You guys can’t remember only if things go pear shaped,” I say.

Jacinta steps on it, speeding through what little traffic there is on the street. I am glad she is driving because she seriously could be a rally car driver she is that fast and skilled. A few years ago she got the nickname lead foot because all she does is accelerate, and in this time of need I am glad that’s what she is doing.

We arrive on my street. My stomach feels like it’s eating itself, one because I am hungry and two because I am nervous as.

“Just park here,” I say.

I want them to park a few houses down the street to keep it a bit my subtle.

“Thank you guys I will message you if anything happens” I say.

“We will hang here for a bit but if we hear anything we are racing in” Dean says.

“Thank guys” I say.

I get out of Jacinta’s car and walk up the street towards my house. There is absolutely no one out the front’s of their house doing anything. No one walking their dog or taking their kids out to the park. It’s dead. I feel like I am in a ghost town. I look back at Jacinta’s car and thumbs up them followed by a smile. As I turn and walk away my smile quickly drops. I am not happy at all. I walk up my driveway. Riya’s car isn’t here yet so I suppose I have beaten her home. I walk up to my mum’s spare car, well the one I use and notice the drivers side window is smashed. I think I know who did this. I am fueled with more anger and I am ready to kick Charlie in the face.

I walk to the front door and unlock it; I open the door slowly and peep my head in. I take one step in the door and hear a screeching noise coming from behind me. It’s Riya speeding like crazy onto our driveway. I step out of the front door and walk towards her car. Riya jumps out of the car and walks towards me.

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