Chapter Twenty-Seven - Behind Door No.1

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I stand in the middle of Brooke's backyard stunned. I have no idea what to say to mum who is waiting on the other side of the line for a response. I look around me and see people have now gone back to doing their own things after the Brooke and Saxon fight has ended. I wish I wasn't in this situation, I wish I were carefree like everyone else around me.

"Tyler you there?" Miranda asks.

"I'm here sorry just can't hear you properly it's really loud at the party" I say.

"No worries I will talk to you when you get home" Miranda says.

She hangs up. I can't believe Riya told her without me being there; now I look like the asshole. I want to get home as soon as possible and discuss with mum and Riya before I get into more shit, but I can't I have to be here for Brooke and my friends. Dean is comforting Brooke but I notice Jacinta and Saxon talking near them so I decide not to bother Brooke and Dean's D and M. Jacinta and Dean are laughing at some joke Saxon just told. I think they may be flirting. It's nice to see. I wonder what Caroline is telling Diana right now. Diana hasn't messaged me to say she was home or anything. I start to worry because I really don't want to mess up with Diana.

"Hey Tyler" Saxon says.

"Hey guys" I say, "Everything alright with you and Brooke now?"

"I haven't spoken to her since she abused the shit out of me in front of everyone" Saxon says, "But I don't blame her for what she did"

"All three of you know it was no ones fault right?" Jacinta asks.

"Of course" I say, "It's just I feel responsible because I was driving"

"I feel responsible too," Saxon says.

"I am sure once you guys talk to Brooke later on she will be fine" Jacinta says.

"Shall we let loose?" Saxon asks.

Both of us nod and head to the drinks table. I need a drink at the moment. There is going to be hell when I get home, and what if Charlie finds out Miranda knows. Regardless that Riya told her I bet I will get the blame for sure and I am not looking forward to that. Although I can stand up to Charlie and be brave I am also scared of him. Charlie wants to physically hurt me; I don't want to hurt anyone in any way, shape or form. I don't understand what I have done? I promised I wouldn't open my mouth, it was Riya that did so but I am still getting the blame. Logic? None.

"What you want to drink?" Saxon asks.

"Honestly whatever" I say.

Saxon laughs and starts mixing drinks for both Jacinta and I. Dean has finished his conversation with Brooke and is heading towards us.

"Well hey there Mr. shrink" I laugh.

"Don't even," Dean laughs, "Brooke is all good now, and well she is as good as she is going to be"

"What where your methods?" I ask laughing again.

"Stop it Tyler" Jacinta laughs, "It's just that Dean you're so good to talk to that you can calm even the craziest people down"

"Yeah like me" Saxon laughs, "Here's your drinks"

Saxon passes us all a drink. I take a sip from my drink and vomit in my mouth. What the hell is this? It tastes like off fruit or something. I feel bad for putting it down so I will just keep on sipping it until Saxon turns around and then throw it away. Knowing my luck Saxon will stare at me and not look away until I finish every last drop of my drink.

"Sorry to be a mood killer guys but my mum called, Riya told her about Charlie" I say.

They all look at me shocked. Shocked because this could be the start of my whole life changing. What if we have to move out or move to a different city? I don't want to leave the most important people in my life behind.

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