Chapter 16: Chasing After Dreams

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Saturday, November 27 – Ventura Raceway in Ventura, California

Chase makes his way into the hauler, offering a quick high-five for Paul Silva as he walks on by. It had been fun getting to know the man behind a bunch of Kyle's success, and take lessons from him the past week.

"Ready to kick some ass and have fun tonight?" Kyle questions, only earning a chuckle back in response.

"I don't know about kicking ass, but I'm ready to learn and take lessons," Chase answers to which Kyle couldn't help but smile back in response. He knew that Chase had been tough on himself about some of his performances, but couldn't find himself to bother him just as much about everything.

"Remember what I said – give yourself some more damn credit. This is a totally different experience than you're used to, and you're getting better with each night behind the wheel. I mean, damn boy, you surprised even me the other night behind the wheel of a sprint car." Chase couldn't help but smile as that was certainly one of the biggest takeaways from the past week.

"I still can't believe that I hadn't took you or Kasey up on that offer any damn sooner." Kyle remembered the conversations he had heard about Kasey and Brad trying to convince him to get behind the wheel of a sprint car. It was strange that it was the new face back in town which had pushed him over the edge now. "Oh, by the way, my dad says that he owes you a big thank you, a hug, and I believe a Christmas present for last weeken-"

"And you remember what I told you about that, right?" Chase takes a deep breath, nodding his head as he remembered the candid conversation shared before and afterwards between the trio. "Nobody should be stuck in the situation that you're in, let alone you because there's no way that it could be true to any sensible person. Hence why I am doing whatever I can to help, because I feel for you."

"I appreciate it. This week has actually been the perfect distraction, if I dare say so." Kyle could tell as the genuine smiles and laughs shared when speaking about the midget were certainly a good chance in pace from the frustration, anger, and upset feelings with what happened.

"Consider me that friend that you can come see when you need a escape from it all...." Chase watched as Kyle headed out of the trailer following those words, not expecting them to sting as bad.

But there they were again, as he was the escape for Annabelle. He was the person that she came crawling to when she wanted to speak about what happened. He was the person that she wanted to spend time with, have fun, and escape the pain she was experiencing.

Now, it seemed he couldn't escape the ghost that was her and aftermath of what happened.

"I can't believe you made the trip out here, just for me," Annabelle tells him as they sit together on the couch alongside each other.

"I told you that I'd come check on you, make sure you were okay, and do whatever I could for you," Chase replies as he rubs the back of her hand with his. It was the same comforting motion that he'd followed for the past several weeks. "I also told you that you could call me anytime, text me anytime. And remember that when the time com-"

"You are ready to whisk me away and be my knight in shining armor, saving me from all the hell that is going on here." Chase nods his head, knowing that he was ready to stay stuck on that promise.

"Whether that's going to the police like you should because he deserves what's coming for what he did, or whether that's just jumping on the plane and flying away as far as possible, I am game for whatever you want." She smiles as she looks into his eyes, feeling the genuine love and connection. It was the same feeling they'd shared since their first meetings at high school.

"I was day dreaming the other day, Chase. I was thinking about what it'd be like to just get away, be with you every single weekend, travel to all of your rac-"

"Just like the summer we spent together?" Annabelle chuckles, with a nod of her head. She remembered begging her parents to allow her to go, and Chase convincing his parents that there was nothing girlfriend / boyfriend about it, just two friends wanting to spend time. They all eventually agreed, with the families agreed, allowing her to travel for a summer to all of his late model events. "I would absolutely love to do that again."

"Does that include the late night smores?" Chase nods his head, knowing there were several nights where they stayed up, making smores and sharing stories of what they dreamed of their lives being like in the years to come.

"I'd be game for whatever you wanted to do, because all that'd matter was your happiness." She lays her head against his shoulder, appreciating the genuine love that he offered every single chance he got during the brief time they got together.

"I'd be game for whatever crazy racing dreams that you want to pursue. I know people say that you're crazy for wanting to try everything, but I admire it. It takes a lot of guts and courage to out of your comfort zone, and do something that's totally different." Chase could only wish that brushed off onto her, hoping she'd be able to do what he wished she'd done a long time ago and get out of this situation.

"The more you learn about yourself as a driver, the better you'll be in other situations. I just hope I don't embarrass myself in the process." She looks at him, honestly taken back by the comment as that wasn't something you'd expect from a Cup Series Champion.

"Chase, who cares what the world says. You know what matters? Having fun, enjoying the moment, embracing the opportunity – the same principles. You told me you liked racing because of the challenge, the speed, having fun, and the experience. Live that up, and forget about what everybody else has to say. It doesn't matter what Joe Blow says, as long as you're happy because no matter what you do, I know you will be successful and have the talent to make it work."

"Chase, are you coming?" Kyle question snaps him out of his thoughts as Chase glances up from the floor that he had focused on. "Hot Laps are in 10."

"Be right out," Chase answers without hesistation, not wanting to cause any other thoughts to enter his teammate's mind. He didn't need him being anymore overbearing than he was.

Adorned in the familiar red and black firesuit he had worn the past couple of nights, surprised how clean it was considering, he was ready to tackle the night ahead. As he strapped in the car, he ran those familiar words that she told him through his mind over and over, letting them sink in.

It paid off, as it was his best event behind the wheel of the midget throughout this California trip. He managed to qualify in the top-20 on speed for a change, and found himself running in the mix for the transfer spots in the two events that followed.

Even though he missed out barely and needed a promoter's provisional to get into the main event, the progress continued as his lap times steadily improved. He was able to make some moves forward through the field, ultimately coming home with a 22nd-place finish.

"Now that's how you cap off a week!" Brad lets out, giving him a big high-five afterwards as he climbed out of the car. "Look at you, Mr. Elliott. You may make it as a midget driver after all." 

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