Chapter 6

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"TIA!!!!!" The three of them shouted in unison. When they saw the baby lying on the ground with a cat circling her, their eyes widen. The woman then bent down and embraced the baby in her arms tightly. Her body shook from fear. "Tia, di-did you get hurt?" Her voice quivered, tears streamed down her sparkling blue eyes then fell onto the baby's clothes. The baby blinked her big round eyes then smiled rather happily at the woman.


All of them looked lovingly at the baby with warm gazes. "Tia, my baby." The man then said and stepped forward, his voice also quivered. His eyes then almost started tearing up too but he held them. He then both embraced the woman and baby tightly in his arms. He lightly sniffled and felt his nose sour.

"I-i'm showwy... hic, hic, hic, i-i did-didn't m-mean t-to, hic, hic, t-to d-drop Twiaa.... hic, hic, i'm s-showwy... sniff, sniff, p-please fo-forgive meeee.... hic, hic..." The little girl choked on her words and her body trembled. She rubbed her red swollen eyes and runny nose with both her hands. Her tears and snot both mixed then dropped onto her clothes. Her face was flushed red from crying hard. Her face was lowered down, her red eyes stared at the ground. It was such a sorrowful sight to see.

"Hic, hic, hic, hic...."

The three other people looked at the little girl. The man and woman's gazes turned rather disdainful towards the little girl. The man then said.

"Sien, from now on you shouldn't hold onto Tia. You should go to your room and reflect on what you have done. You almost harmed her. Go now, and by the way you will have your meals at your room from now on." The man declared with a stern voice.


"Y-yes, father... hic, hic, hic... i-im showwy..." She answered while her head still lowered. The little girl then slowly walked towards the mansion while gripping her dress.

'Wait, wait, this wasn't part of the plot!!! This scene never happened!!! The female protagonist should be loved by both the ducal couple! Well, except for the part when they knew about the relationship of the male lead and female protagonist at the middle part of the story... But thats still a long way!! Wait, wait!! Don't go Sien!'

"Shwishtwewr!!!!" (sister) The baby shouted. The girl heard the baby's shout and halted in her steps. She looked back to look at the baby in both the man and woman's embraces. Her face was still flushed red from crying. Her tears and snot were still flowing. She looked pitiful.

"Hic, hic, hic, hic....."

When the baby saw her stopped and looked back, she became delighted. 'Good!! I got her attention!'

"Shwishtwewr!" She smiled brightly at the little girl. The baby extended her arms towards the little girl.

"Hic, hic, hic, hic.... showwy... i'm showwy Twia... hic, hic..." Her voice trembled.

'Aigoo!!! Don't cry Sien! I can't handle it when someone as good looking as you cry!!'

"Sister, don't cry. Tia is sad when you cry." The baby said.


"Di-did you hear that, Monica? Am i dreaming? I've must be dreaming, right? Her pronunciation sounded very clear." The man had a bewildered expression.

"No, i think i heard it too... Are we both on the same dream i guess?" The woman asked back.

The cat, who was forgotten, rolled its eyes after hearing what both the ducal couple said. 'Cheh, thats all because of my miraculous power!! She did nothing but complain!!! I'm the one who should be praised!! That damn woman taking all the credit for herself!!! Just you wait!!!' It angrily thought to itself.

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